Creating global, open, indexed, verified, audited knowledge – accessible to all humans

Creating global, open, indexed, verified, audited knowledge – accessible to all humans.  There are no things that humans do that an AI could not do – with enough time, care, effort and careful study of humans doing that job now. But if any groups, by whatever means, studies humans that closely – it is far less difficult to train humans to use computers to do the job better, than to replace cheap humans. Do not trust anything that comes from an LLM. Period. The input is wrong – legally missing anything copyrighted or proprietary. And most of that material is what runs the worlds systems. Cheap, uncurated, unindexed free material from the Internet is not representative of human knowledge. The groups who have control of most knowledge now are not likely to give it up. The LLM groups, by trying to get away using raw free stuff, and not investing real time and effort to help the human groups creating knowledge. They are cutting corners. Large buildings, where the construction crews cut corners – fall down.
It is complex but not impossible. All human groups can help train and certify AIs for human jobs, and the AI tools can enable small groups and government to monitor for human manipulations and corruption. It is not impossible, but it takes global cooperation, not just a handful of commercial firm fighting like rats in a box for riches and glory for a few.
Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

keshav @keshavchan  chris dixon on good startup ideas and where to find them
Replying to @keshavchan

Keshav, Thank you. Perhaps you can take any group, corporation, organization, government or effort and show that depth is needed for all serious things, not just shallow generated word sequences about things. What you should end up with are real plans and real tools, in depth and detail – knowledge for digital models of the real world systems – accessible to all humans.

Filed under (Creating global, open, indexed, verified, audited knowledge – accessible to all humans)

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

Zhigang Suo @zhigangsuo How to Read a Paper – The Three-pass Method, Researchers usually spend much time reading papers, but are never taught to read well. Take a look at this two-page instruction by S. Keshav
Replying to @zhigangsuo

LLMs usually spend much time reading papers, but are never taught to read well. None of the LLM groups curate their input data and work with the content creators – to improve the coding of the knowledge, to make it globally accessible, in all human and domain specific languages – to all humans.
Filed under (Creating global, open, indexed, verified, audited knowledge – accessible to all humans)
Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation
Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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