Sets of Concepts Actions Objects are also CAOs

Sets of Concepts Actions Objects are also CAOs — Mel, This post came up first today on my Twitter(x). I look carefully at events, groups and their topics to see where they fit into the whole Internet and all human knowledge. I notice CAOs violates my first rule for the Internet – “resolve, validate, link, verify, identify”.
What does CAOs mean?” It seems to mean sets of many Concepts, Actions, Objects. On the Internet I tend to focus on human groups where the first things to identify are the specialized domain specific nouns, verbs and “continuing actions”, methods, humans, devices, objects (devices, materials, constructs), networks, algorithms. Inside the human brain, the CAOs are going to be hopefully simple models that can encode knowledge of humans, active systems, the solar system and the larger Universe.
I am filing this group under “brain computer interfaces” because when one uses 3D imaging and 3D digital twins to help with ( sensor data compression and correlations ) that limits (in a good way) the space of possibilities to something practical. When groups smaller than a Million use the Internet to help them organize, there are methods that work and others that do not.
This is NOT (CAOS2024 – Computer Assisted Orthopedic Surgery 2024 which is in June 2024) but Sets of (Concepts Actions Objects).
Concepts – framework, context, connections, constraints, maps
Actions – short 3D volumetric visualizations of simulations of processes that capture the essential motions and structures of something. Bunsen burners burning, warped space moving something, turbulent flows (flows of turbulence) creating acceleration fields, groups working together, “words to images”, “text to speech”, “text to images”, “unique identifiers”, “indexed knowledge (lossless)”, statistically indexed knowledge (lossy).
Objects – Names, nouns, tags, identifiers, traceable things and their first few levels of details. Going out to 20 removes with links is common in the Internet now. Every global topic, global issue, global opportunity, global systemic thing now on the Internet has the unique property that when traced it affects all humans, all human knowledge. The core is small and ought to be accessible to all humans and all their AIs, algorithms, applications and actions.
When I first studied random neural net optimization for computers, humans, organisms, organizations, systems – starting about 1966, I just used “inputs, responses, actions in network nodes” and that can often just be “corporations as open systems”, or “computers affecting objects”, or “computer aided organizations”.
A related one would be Internet Collections Holding Archived Open Signals (I-CHAOS).
Filed as (Sets of Concepts Actions Objects are also CAOs)
Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation
Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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