Sample Internet Foundation Tasks and Projects

Sample Instructions: “server boxes” project
Research “old computers with barebones boot and run my own server”
Buy old or new mid tower that can hold 6 disks, fast SATA, NVME SSD for memory mapping to handle big transfers at maximum speed.  And enough processors to run batch jobs like
  • compile chromium
  • process google ngrams
  • gather all Project Gutenberg files
  • download and process all seismic data for Japan earthquake
  • process all the source code folders on “Richard Old B Drive” and extract and index all languages and functions and names and file references
Sample Instructions: “Create standard language” project
Save X as TypeA Name Z using instructions
Name Z Run X as TypeA using instructions
Run instructions
as = ( Javascript, Fortran, Basic, Python, PHP, NodeJs, C, C++, VB, shell script, bat file, JScript, dll, exe, com, …
instructions = (json, cg2, tsv, js, compiled executable with standard compiled dataset, my command language,
Save all notes and “standard language robots” on “Disk” server
Share “Create standard language” project with “Clif” “Ben” and others if they are interested.  Use “Standard registration process” for “Disk Server” 
Note: “Server” is a magic word that says it is type “server”. So I have been trying out “Disk” server (where the magic word follows and modifies “Disk”.  And “Disk Server” which is a name that also tells the type.  I can just say “Disk” and the word “Disk” sort of implies a computer and services. But “covid” server and “covid server” could be anything depending on context.  When I talk internally, I might say one thing, and outside to the whole world, something else that is more specific.  If I allow anyone in the world to read the “Dictionary” or “Hover Server” they can look at the meanings of all “quoted string references” on any of my “servers”.
Right now, if it is “quoted” then it is public, hoverable, stored and tracked and accountable.
Sample Instructions: “” project
Visit, spider with headless chrome, save all objects to “” under “mapping”, extract “standard map”, don’t beat up their server, save links to “Links”, save images to “images” and extract “standard image data”, do “standard text counts” and “tag counts” and “DOm counts”.  Extract “standard performance counts”
Run continuously.
Report all broken links, bad performance, and non standards problems to “NASA webmaster”
Tag all “covid” entries and send to “covid project”
Tag all “mars” entries and send to “mars project”
Tag all “tagged” entries and send to “appropriate project” or “responsible notification address”
Sample Instructions: “covid” project
Get “common crawl” data on covid
Run “all bookmark urls that refer to covid”, gather everything using “standard network object monitor” method and save to “Disk” server.  “process for covid” everything
Run “site:domainlist” for (“covid” OR “corona virus” OR “coronavirus”) slowly and randomly watching for “are you a robot” using Google search.  Save all urls, domains, organizations, people, word counts.  See if there is anyone at Google who will help the Internet Foundation and others clean up the mess that is “covid” on the Internet.
much more…
Sample Instructions: “moon not moon” project
Visit, download all broadband seismic data from April 2020
Visit “JPL Horizon” and download Chebychev polynomials for position and velocity of sun, moons, planets for April 2020
Visit “LIGO GWOSC” and download all three station LIGO datasets for April 2020
Correlate all for “sun not sun”, “moon not moon” and save, run standard reports and visualizations
Send results to “moon not moon list” and post to “website moon not moon list”
“moon not moon list” is emails and forms and blogs
Sample Instructions: “sun and planet gravitational tracking” project
Same as “” for all gov domains from “List of all gov domains url”
Same as “moon not moon” but for (venus, mars, jupiter, saturn, sun), add “radio telescope sources”, “optical telescope sources – observatories”, “optical and radio telescopes – amateur, schools, individuals, corporate donors”
Sample Instructions: “Video classification” project
On “headless disk” server, browse “YouTube video” list run “screen scrapers” and save data to “YouTube Video Classification”
Do same for “Internet live cameras and recorded videos” list.
Do the same for “Set of Cameras on my network each on its own IP addressable Pi Zero or Raspberry Pi or Win10 host.
Sample Instructions: “sensor correlation” project
For “Camera1 on Raspberry Pi4 1” and “Camera2 on Pi Zero 1″ collect full images at 1 sps 1 millisecond exposures” and process with “standard pixel counter” and “region greedy algorithm” and “pairwise counts”.  Also collect 1 sps 2^24 FFT from “SDR1 on Windows 10 box 1” and “Temperature” from all processors.  Store on “Disk Server” as “Sensor Correlation” project (case insensitive)
For “SDR1 on Windows 10 box 1” running continuously, and “SDR2 on Raspberry Pi 3 headless” running continuously, run “standard phase counts” “standard amplitude counts” “standard phase amplitude counts” and generate minute, hourly, daily and monthly reports and analyses.  Store to “SDR1 SDR2 Correlation” on “Disk Server”
Sample Instructions: “General Computer Duties”
“Disk Server” Monitor internet traffic both directions, cache all incoming objects, record all urls and statistical data.  Add “New Gateway Box” as needed.
“Disk Server” handle all disk and memory storage.  Sync “local disks and SSDs” as needed.  Add “local disks and SSDs and thumb drives and memory” to “Disk Server” as shared network resources under its management. If it is “memory” “Disk Server” should have information about it in real time and historical.
“All video memory” and “all GPU memory” and “All DMA buffers” and “all bios” and “Internet” are memories.
Richard Collins, Director, The Internet Foundation
Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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