Electromagnetic, ionic, and gravitational effects of earthquakes and earth tides

Anton Petrov: Unexplained Earthquake Light Phenomenon Finally Captured on Camera at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05NmTEeXvhs

Anton, This argues for keeping permanent all-sky (fish eye and other name) cameras to monitor the sky above regions where there are earthquakes, like where the earth is pulling apart. Beside piezoelectric, there are also piezomagnetic materials which will change the electromagnetic fields. The magnetoTelluric and magnetic sensor networks, lightning detection networks (global electromagnetic time of flight networks for sferics) and satellite lightning and sprite detection networks — all can record at lower light levels, 24/7 and consistently. Some of the flashes you show might well be lightning of different sorts. The earthquake early warning networks now include gravitational early warning which is in its early days. This has the unfortunate name, “elastogravity” but gravimeter networks can pick up shifts in the gravitational field that can be monitored locally, regionally and globally using arrays of detectors using passive time of flight correlation to pick up and track the “speed of light and gravity” effects of seismic waves. These need corresponding magnetic and electromagnetic sensor networks in order to separate the “gravitational” from the “electromagnetic” effects. The Japan earthquake was large enough to register on both the superconducting gravimeter network and the broadband seismometer networks. There are many studies now looking for “speed of light and gravity” effects in earthquake monitoring systems. It requires precise timing and high sampling rates with sensitive detectors. But it is getting more routine as more groups learn to handle that kind of data.

You might want to teach people to not use “mysterious”, “complex”, and other hyperbolic terms. That kind of sensationalism and “turn off your brain” journalism only sells news organizations. If people see something interesting, they can try to combine their knowledge and experiences by careful reporting. In recent decades I have seen growth in neutrino imaging, cosmic ray imaging, muon imaging, lightning detection, meteor networks, space weather and many other networks that become part of geophysics and astrophysics and “solar system exploration and colonization”. Youtube does not really have good collaboration and group research capabilities to report and track things like this. If global networks operated for covid, so many people need not have died. Gathering data on unusual things can work, if hundreds of millions or billions of human (and 24/7 sensor networks) combine their records in consistent ways. it needs AI monitoring tools and more people who can learn statistics, modeling, simulation, global collaboration, and global testing of methods with open traceable processes accessible to all.

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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