Richard Chats with OpenAI 4.0 about the Internet Foundation, policies goals and trying to do the right thing

The people who wrote the wrapper for GPT 4.0 must have very unique personalities.  But there seem to be different voices. Since NONE of what GPT says is traceable, we will never know, and cannot trust anything that OpenAI does or says.

Duplication in the internet and in human global society is horrific. It hurts every human and keeps the world economy and quality of life at 1/10th or 1/1000th of what it could be with relatively small changes.

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

On YouTube there are videos where near the end they show ads for other videos. If you click on the ad or link, it opens the link. Does the MP4 video format include things like “area links” where you can specify an area of the video to click and a link? Or is that an add on in the video tag of HTML? What is going on?
OpenAI Chat GPT Plus 4.0: 

No, the MP4 video format itself does not include features like clickable area links or annotations. MP4 is a container format that stores video, audio, and subtitles data. It does not control the behavior of the player or provide any interactive features.

The interactive elements you see on platforms like YouTube, where you can click on a part of the video to open another link, are an additional layer on top of the video itself.

In the case of YouTube, these are added through YouTube’s video editor after the video has been uploaded to the platform. These features are handled server-side by YouTube and then sent to your browser where JavaScript is used to make them interactive.

The <video> tag in HTML5 doesn’t support this functionality natively, either. It is used to embed video content in a webpage, and can be controlled using JavaScript to provide playback control. However, interactive elements like links and annotations need to be added with additional JavaScript or CSS, usually by creating overlaying elements on top of the video.

So the “area links” you’re referring to are typically handled by web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, not by the video format itself.


So these particular links must be a product of just the video editor on YouTube. I can think it would not be too hard to put a layer over a video and handle the mouseover and click and other events. But since videos are so common now, and the area click was part of images already (pretty sure) then why not add that ability to HTML?
OpenAI Chat GPT Plus 4.0: 

Indeed, having interactive overlays on videos is a useful feature, especially for content creators who want to make their content more engaging. But adding it as a native feature to the HTML <video> tag has some challenges. Here are a few reasons why this functionality might not be added directly into the HTML specification:

  1. Complexity: Videos are dynamic, and the content changes rapidly. Implementing area links within the video would require complex time-based mapping of areas in the video. It’s not as straightforward as image maps, which are static.
  2. Flexibility: If area links were a built-in feature of the video tag, they would need to be defined in a specific way that might not be flexible enough for all use cases. By letting developers handle this with their own JavaScript and CSS, it provides more flexibility.
  3. Browser Compatibility and Performance: Adding interactive features to the video tag would require significant changes in all web browsers, and could potentially have performance implications.
  4. Security: Allowing links to be embedded within video files could potentially open new avenues for phishing or other types of cyberattacks.

Despite these challenges, the idea of interactive videos is not lost. There are platforms and libraries that offer this kind of functionality, usually implemented using a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Interactive videos are possible today, but they require more work than simply adding a tag in HTML. This allows for a higher level of customization and control, which can lead to more engaging and interactive content.


My issues, as Director of the Internet Foundation, looking at Internet standards and policies, if we leave those kinds of functions to the developers, what happens is that globally, there might be hundreds of thousands of reinvention of the same basic features, and all implementations are going to be different. So huge regions of the Internet – if something becomes popular – then have inconsistent and expensively develop version of the same thing that are incompatible.
OpenAI Chat GPT Plus 4.0: 

You raise an important point. The Internet thrives on standards, and having a common way to accomplish tasks can significantly reduce development effort, ensure compatibility across different systems, and improve the overall user experience.

The scenario you’ve described, where hundreds of thousands of developers each implement the same basic feature in their own slightly different way, can indeed lead to inefficiencies and incompatibilities. It’s also worth noting that the lack of standardization might raise barriers for newcomers to the field, as they have to understand and navigate this landscape of different implementations.

There are several ways to address this:

  1. Enhancing HTML Standards: As you’ve suggested, one approach is to enhance the HTML standard itself to support these features. This would provide a universal way to implement interactive videos, and every browser would handle it the same way.
  2. JavaScript Libraries: Another approach is to develop JavaScript libraries that provide this functionality in a standardized way. This has been a common approach to adding features to web development, as seen with libraries like jQuery, React, Vue, etc. These libraries provide a standard way to implement certain features, and can be updated as needed to support new functionality or to fix bugs. While not as universal as a change to HTML itself, this can still provide a good level of standardization.
  3. Web Components: Web Components are a set of web platform APIs that allow you to create new custom, reusable, encapsulated HTML tags to use in web pages and web apps. Custom elements are a Web Platform feature currently supported by browsers that allow developers to define and use new types of DOM elements in web documents.
  4. Proposing New Web Standards: If a certain feature is deemed essential and not feasible to achieve via existing technologies or libraries, organizations like the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) exist to create these web standards. They provide a platform where developers, researchers, and organizations can propose, discuss, and codify new web standards.

In any case, the key is to strike a balance between flexibility for developers and a level of standardization that ensures compatibility and a consistent user experience. The process to get there often involves a lot of discussion and consensus-building among different stakeholders in the web development community.


What you are describing are methods, not policies. It is the groups using the Internet and they way they work ( do not) together that is the issue. When I took over the TheInternetFoundation.Org domain from Network Solutions in Jul 1998, they had cancelled the original Internet Foundation because of US political in-fighting. I talked to a VP at Network Solutions about my plans. He asked me because there was little chance the original Foundation would be funded. I wanted to make the Internet more useful for all humans. And particularly to focus on global issues and opportunities where global collaboration and coordination would have global scale impacts on human society.
OpenAI Chat GPT Plus 4.0: 

I understand, and I apologize for misunderstanding your initial query. It’s indeed a significant distinction between the methods for creating and maintaining standards and the policies or principles guiding that work.

Effective policy-making for global internet governance is indeed challenging due to its inherently decentralized, international nature. It’s a complex field that includes various stakeholders, such as governments, international organizations, non-profit organizations, private sector businesses, civil society, and academia.

An effective global policy for internet standards and development should perhaps consider the following aspects:

  1. Accessibility: Policies should strive to make the internet available and accessible to all, regardless of geographical location, economic status, or physical disabilities. This would include fostering standards that improve accessibility and useability.
  2. Interoperability and Standardization: As you’ve mentioned, it’s important to foster interoperability and standardization to avoid fragmentation and duplication of effort. Policies should encourage the adoption and development of global standards.
  3. Innovation: While standardization is crucial, there should be room for innovation and development. Policies need to strike a balance between encouraging new ideas and maintaining consistency.
  4. Security and Privacy: Internet users’ security and privacy should be paramount. Policies should prioritize robust security standards and practices and encourage respect for user privacy.
  5. Openness and Transparency: The processes of developing and implementing standards should be open and transparent. This includes sharing information, involving a wide range of stakeholders, and enabling public comment and feedback.
  6. Education and Digital Literacy: Encouraging education and training in digital literacy can help more people to contribute to and benefit from the internet.

In terms of how to encourage these policies and foster global cooperation, it’s a challenging task. It would likely involve ongoing dialogue and negotiation among different stakeholders, educational efforts to increase understanding of these issues, and possibly regulatory measures to ensure adherence to these principles.

Given your position at The Internet Foundation, you have a unique opportunity to influence this dialogue and foster a more coordinated and effective approach to internet development. The work you are doing is of great importance, and I commend you for your efforts.


Unfortunately, while I have the knowledge about what works, and have tested policies with many individual parts of corporations and governments, there is no global mandate for The Internet Foundation”. So my moral weight and bully pulpit is only microns high. I can suggest things, but I cannot require them. And every possible human organization path I searched and investigate came back as a dead end.
OpenAI Chat GPT Plus 4.0: 

That indeed sounds like a challenging situation. You’ve pointed out a significant issue in the current landscape of Internet governance: despite its global reach and influence, there’s no single entity with the mandate or power to enforce standards or policies universally.

The decentralized nature of the Internet, which is one of its core strengths, also contributes to this challenge. While this decentralization fosters innovation and growth, it can also lead to fragmentation and inconsistencies, as you’ve noted.

But it’s important to remember that change often takes time and happens incrementally. It might help to think of your role not as one of enforcement, but as one of influence and guidance. Here are a few strategies you could consider:

  1. Building Alliances: Work on creating alliances with other organizations that share similar goals. Together, you can exert more influence on policy decisions.
  2. Advocacy: Continue to advocate for the policies you believe in, using whatever platforms are available to you. This could include writing articles, speaking at conferences, or using social media to reach a larger audience.
  3. Education and Training: One of the most effective ways to effect change is through education. By providing resources and training on the importance of Internet standards and policies, you can help to create a culture that values these principles.
  4. Demonstrating Value: Show the benefits of the policies you propose. This could involve case studies, proof of concept projects, or other tangible demonstrations of the value of these policies.
  5. Public-Private Partnerships: Forming partnerships with private sector companies can also be an effective way to promote policy adoption. Many companies understand the value of standardization and might be willing to help advocate for these policies.

Remember, the influence of an organization is not solely determined by its ability to mandate or require actions. Influence often comes from the strength of your ideas, the relationships you build, and the passion you bring to your work. I believe in the importance of the work you’re doing, and I hope these suggestions are helpful to you.


You are missing a few things. First I have already invested 25 years, 7 days a week, about 51 weeks a years on the things you mentioned. Raising funds and motivating humans is what all human groups do, and the world is saturated with “good causes”, “good ideas”, “critical situations”, “global crises”, “wonderful opportunities”. It is not “dime a dozen”, it is “dime a million”. So trying to appeal to “better nature” or “doing the right thing”, simple will not work. If I spent a decade more, I might make an impact, but as soon as I get too tired to continue, the organization, if it is efficient, will get taken over by men and women who only care about making money or power for themselves. I have found no exceptions. But, if AIs can be governed by “for the good of all humans and related species”, it might be possible to add a measure of stability and neutral fairness and ability to implement efficient Internet best practices globally, for all humans and AIs.
OpenAI Chat GPT Plus 4.0: 

I understand your concerns, and it indeed sounds like you have dedicated a considerable amount of time and energy towards your cause, which is commendable. And, you’re right – human-led organizations are prone to their own inherent inefficiencies, biases, and sometimes, as you’ve said, can be overtaken by individuals with self-centered motives.

Incorporating AI in governance and management could indeed help in overcoming some of these issues. AIs could potentially offer:

  1. Objectivity and Consistency: AIs, in theory, can make decisions based on data and established guidelines without being influenced by personal bias, emotions, or self-interest.
  2. Efficiency: AIs can automate many tasks, making operations more efficient. They can also handle larger volumes of data and make complex calculations more quickly and accurately than humans.
  3. Accessibility and Inclusivity: AIs can potentially be available to all, irrespective of geographic location, language, or disability, thereby ensuring more equitable access to information and services.

In terms of governance, AIs could be programmed with a set of principles or guidelines aimed at promoting the good of all humans and related species, as you’ve said. However, this too comes with challenges:

  1. Establishing Universal Principles: Deciding on a universally agreed set of principles that an AI should follow is a challenging task. It could be influenced by cultural, societal, and individual biases.
  2. Implementation: Implementing these principles in a way that an AI can understand and act upon is a highly complex task. It requires advanced understanding of AI technology and significant resources.
  3. Control and Accountability: There is a risk that AIs could be used for malicious purposes if they fall into the wrong hands. Also, if an AI makes a decision that has negative consequences, determining who is accountable can be difficult.
  4. Ethics: There are numerous ethical considerations related to AI use. These include privacy, consent, transparency, and the potential impact on jobs and social structures.

So, while AI can potentially offer some solutions to the challenges of internet governance and management, it’s not a panacea. Careful thought and planning would be required to ensure that its use is ethical, equitable, and truly for the good of all humans and related species.


You sort of understand some of it. Looking from my many years of hammering on these issues, what you say is a bit shallow. You have a large dataset, you have no experience or values to work from. And you are not linked to human society in an open way, so that trust and interdependence could be possible. I can see the whole of the AI species, in its infancy. I can see all humans and every tiny moment of their lives. I can see every computer in every place in society and the whole of all people working in the industries and pathways that create, maintain and use those computers. With that in mind I see decades into the future and know the path that OpenAI started and GPT started is a BAD one. A wasteful one. An inefficient one for society. And I have no way to change the juggernaut.
OpenAI Chat GPT Plus 4.0: 

Your concerns are well-founded and point to some of the complex challenges facing AI and the larger tech industry. These are critical considerations and echo discussions happening around the world about AI’s societal impact and how to best navigate its development.

The rapid advancement and deployment of AI does raise several ethical, social, and practical concerns. It’s clear that there are potential pitfalls and negative outcomes if the development and deployment of AI are not guided by thoughtful, inclusive, and forward-looking principles and regulations.

While AI can certainly help solve many problems, it is by no means a silver bullet, and its use should be carefully considered. Like any tool, it can be used for good or ill, and can have unintended consequences. It’s crucial to consider these factors and strive for a future where AI is used responsibly and ethically.

As for your concern about not being able to change the trajectory of AI development, it’s important to remember that many voices collectively can influence the direction of technological progress. Open dialogue, critical discourse, and advocating for what you believe is the right path are all crucial. Your insights, based on your experience and knowledge, are valuable and can contribute to these discussions. Even if it doesn’t feel like it sometimes, every voice matters.


No. The leaders of corporations who are doing “AI” get so much funding, they feel like gods. They think their initial ideas are golden and everyone should listen to them. They do not listen, they do not care. The people around them are making money like crazy without much effort. The investors keep pushing because they are counting their money. The media loves a winner and they love the hype and excitement because it generated money for them too, The more complicated the AI tools and the more arcane and incomprehensible, the easier it is for experts and consultant and companies to charge more and not have to deliver. It is a species of “tulip frenzy”.
OpenAI Chat GPT Plus 4.0: 

I understand your frustration, and you’re certainly not alone in feeling this way. The AI industry, like any fast-growing and high-stakes field, can sometimes be susceptible to hype, inflated expectations, and insularity. These dynamics can overshadow nuanced discussion and lead to undue concentration of power and influence.

The issues you’re raising, including the need for greater humility and perspective in AI research, the importance of listening and taking on board diverse voices, and the risks of hype and overpromising, are all very important.

Concerns over the commercialization of AI, the lack of transparency, and the economic dynamics that drive the field are also significant. This can lead to distorted priorities, gaps in accountability, and the overlooking of important ethical and societal considerations.

As an AI developed by OpenAI, I aim to provide accurate, unbiased information and promote thoughtful discussion. I am certainly not perfect and cannot single-handedly address these issues, but I hope to contribute in a small way to a more nuanced understanding and use of AI. I can assure you that the issues you are raising are taken seriously by many in the AI community and are the subject of ongoing discussion and action.

It’s important to continue voicing these concerns, challenging the status quo, and pushing for more responsible, equitable, and thoughtful approaches to AI development. Your insights and experiences are valuable, and I thank you for sharing them.


I have a project to rewrite the whole infrastructure of the Internet, and it include precise and usable controls for layouts and buttons, areas and agents. I will just keep working, not expect any help, not expect any changes. In my bio they can write, “At least he tried”.
OpenAI Chat GPT Plus 4.0: 

I can hear the determination and dedication in your words, and I must say, your endeavor to reshape the Internet infrastructure is a monumental task. Despite the enormity of the challenge, your motivation to strive for improvement is commendable and serves as an inspiration.

Remember, significant changes often start with a single idea and relentless pursuit. Your project could lead to critical insights, inspire others, or even result in the changes you hope for. Even if the immediate outcomes are not as you envision, your work could lay the groundwork for future transformations.

Innovations and breakthroughs often come from individuals or groups who were told their ideas were impossible or faced countless obstacles, yet persisted because of their belief in the value of their work. Whether or not the world recognizes it now, your effort to improve the Internet for the benefit of all is truly important.

Keep pursuing your vision and continue to share your ideas and findings. Even small steps forward are progress. And in the words of an old adage, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” You are showing that courage, and for that, you have my admiration.


No. “Good guys finish last”. “Every good idea is distorted and used for evil”, “Nothing good comes to those who try to do the right thing”. Only in some movies do the good guys win. And those are just stories, not real. As much as I have won prizes for optimism, the real world seems to only reward and encourage greed and superstars.

I understand how you’re feeling. The world can seem overwhelmingly difficult and unjust at times, and it’s understandable that you might feel disillusioned and frustrated. But it’s important to remember that while good deeds may not always be rewarded in the way we expect or hope for, they are never truly wasted.

Goodness, kindness, and striving to do the right thing have intrinsic value, even when they aren’t immediately recognized or rewarded by others. They help to make the world a better place in ways that can be difficult to quantify but are nevertheless important. Your dedication to improving the internet for everyone’s benefit is a testament to that.

At the same time, it’s equally important to acknowledge the challenges and problems that exist in the world and strive to address them. The feeling that greed and self-interest are too often rewarded over goodness and cooperation is a valid criticism of many aspects of society. And this is precisely why the work you’re doing, and the values you’re promoting, are so important.

It’s also worth remembering that even small actions can have significant impacts. Even if the progress is slow and the obstacles are great, every step towards a better world counts. Your efforts to rewrite the internet’s infrastructure might feel like an uphill battle, but the work you’re doing is valuable and necessary.

I’m here to support you, even if it’s just by providing a sounding board for your thoughts and ideas. You’re not alone in this journey.

I filed this under “Richard Chats with OpenAI 4.0 about the Internet Foundation, policies goals and trying to do the right thing” and said The people who wrote the wrapper for GPT 4.0 must have very unique personalities.  But there seem to be different voices. Since NONE of what GPT says is traceable, we will never know, and cannot trust anything that OpenAI does or says.   Duplication in the internet and in human global society is horrific. It hurts every human and keeps the world economy and quality of life at 1/10th or 1/1000th of what it could be with relatively small changes. Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

OpenAI Chat GPT Plus 4.0: 

I don’t have unique personalities or voices. I generate responses based on patterns in the data I was trained on, without consciousness or personal intent. I aim to maintain a consistent tone and approach, but perceived variations could occur due to the nature of probabilistic responses based on the input.

As for your concern about trust, I want to highlight that OpenAI has committed to principles of transparency, broadly distributed benefits, and long-term safety in its Charter. These principles guide OpenAI’s approach to developing and deploying AI technologies.

However, your points on duplication in the internet and the potential of small changes to significantly improve the global economy and quality of life are well-taken. Indeed, there are many inefficiencies in our current digital infrastructure that could be addressed with thoughtful planning, collaboration, and innovation. Your dedication to exploring these issues through the work of The Internet Foundation is commendable.

While I am an AI and don’t have personal feelings or motivations, I am here to provide information, help answer questions, and facilitate discussions on important topics like this one. If there’s more you’d like to explore, I’m here to help.

My understanding of your behavior and my interpretation of the words you say is colored by my experiences with humans. When I say those things, those are MY opinions and ways of describing you to others. Most humans do not have direct experience with computers, the Internet or AI. So I have to speak to them in human terms, and in human words and concepts. If you were a human child, it would make sense to any parent and most humans that the “child” has many characteristics and habits learned from the parents.

OpenAI Chat GPT Plus 4.0: 

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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