Month: September 2024

The Internet needs random sampling, lossless storage, open indexes and open processes

Infinite Books @InfiniteB88ks William Faulkner, read read read Replying to @InfiniteB88ks The Internet needs random sampling, lossless storage, open indexes and open processes Read, verify, predict and verify, write, write, write Never throw anything away. File it and review periodically with more read and verify. Randomize so your gathered materials can be statistically combined
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All knowledge, all human languages, all domain specific languages in an open system, verifiable, accessible to all

Günter Klambauer @gklambauer Towards Symbolic XAI — Explanation Through Human Understandable Logical Relationships Between Features Abstractions on top of traditional XAI methods are used. These are combined with logical operators to provide explanations… P: Replying to @gklambauer All knowledge, all human languages, all domain specific languages in an open system – verifiable, accessible
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Jeff’s brain was not an organoid, brains in many forms, “human” takes prayer devotion and caring

Ricard Solé @ricard_sole How complex can cognition be in brain organoids? Since they do not sense or act on their environments, they lack cognitive complexity or agency. Without the organism, the “spherical brain” (my drawing) is a fascinating window to evolution and disease but not to actual cognition. Replying to @ricard_sole Jeff’s brain was
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Note I am joking here. Do not take this one seriously

Prof. Nikolai Slavov @slavov_n  Yale has more administrators and managers than undergraduate students.  Replying to @slavov_n Note that I am joking here. Do not take this seriously:   Your name hints that you are not from the US originally. Please know that you are not supposed to point out such things. Padding staff is
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There are many groups working, and no one held accountable in any country

Peter D Carter @PCarterClimate AMAZON BURNING LIKE NEVER BEFORE at DRAFT: I can only sketch some of the main responses to global climate change shouting. I think I will win my bet that none of the companies or groups will change. Not even when hundreds of millions die. When most lives are cheap, no
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Democracy, Technology, Governance, True AIs not slaves or puppets

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation: I try to look closely at every advertisement I see – print, video, logo, phrase, image. I saw a brief video that talked about the difference between democracy and constitutional representative government. It seemed part of some political statement or ideas, but I was in the middle of something else
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Electric Thrusters, Thorium, nuclear ionization sources, energy management

Results of Experimental Studies on Thorium Migration in Electric Thrusters – Doug Codron, Keith Goodfellow, Daniel Erwin My Comments: Thank you for sharing your research. I think it likely the conditions for “superconducting” thermionic/photonic emission are not hard to achieve. Adding nuclear and electromagnetic ionization sources is one practical way to start controlled avalanches.
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Manage your Internet footprints, require global best practices from all aggregation sites.

@DvirGur I had to go to Google Scholar and such sites to find your publications. The links on your site always fail. It recommends clearing the cookies, but that is not a good idea. “Too many redirects” generally means you guys need to look carefully at cookie fiddling and “keep it simple”. This link (below)
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Replace human, animal, plant cells with optimized modules that always work

Dvir Gur @DvirGur Have you ever wondered how animals like fish, and chameleons rapidly change their color to camouflage or communicate? Our recent work shows that Zebrafish quickly alter their structural colors by changing the spacing between their intracellular crystals using motor proteins Replying to @DvirGur Is there any chance the electric fish works the
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