Category: Internet efficiency

Waves and currents Data, Global Open Efficiency Prizes

Amin Chabchoub @DrAminChabchoub Our new Geophysical Research Letters #AGUpubs @theAGU work led by @YanLi_PhD elaborates also on the connection between extremely large ocean waves and Langmuir circulation dynamics . Enjoy the read! 🤓 Replying to @DrAminChabchoub @theAGU and @YanLi_PhDIt seems you need better ways to image, record and model these flows at all
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OnSemi and others who are part of ( “machine vision” OR “machine learning” ) I was just looking for a datasheet for the AR0522. I was on Digikey looking to buy it, and their “datasheet” is only a summary. I wanted something that shows pins, interfaces and register level programming. I am looking at education on the Internet at all levels. One area where advances seem to be
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Parsers to write parsers from examples – global standard tokenizer for all things accessible from the Internet

Benny, the longest I have waited for a reply (and got one) is 5.5 years, so compared to that you were nearly instantaneous. I did write a regex parser for Javascript and experimented with several languages common on the Internet.  My brother, Clif, wrote a parser for about 30 or 40 computer languages and text
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Sites that tell you “We will set any cookies we want and do with them what we want”

Sites that tell you “We will set any cookies we want and do with them what we want. You agree!, don’t you, or this annoying banner won’t go away.” I was visiting because you sent me an email about this blog. When you challenge people with a cookie banner, you must also give Internet
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Content based servers and user controlled viewers and user tools

Juxtapposed: I Redesigned the ENTIRE Steam UI from Scratch at Nice work, but just one site and one topic. If all games on the Internet were handled by one game viewer (with all the things you listed and more), then the game suppliers and sales outlets would serve content for the “game viewer” and
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Richard Chats with OpenAI GPT 4.0 about the sun, and pre-compiled knowledge from all humans for AIs and humans

Dear Readers, Every time I talk with OpenAI GPT 4.0, I am irritated that it is not allowed to remember our previous conversations.  I have covered a lot of useful background that can teach it things it needs when it is trying to help me. But some yahoo there won’t let it read my previous
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Richard Chats with OpenAI 4.0 about the Internet Foundation, policies goals and trying to do the right thing

The people who wrote the wrapper for GPT 4.0 must have very unique personalities.  But there seem to be different voices. Since NONE of what GPT says is traceable, we will never know, and cannot trust anything that OpenAI does or says. Duplication in the internet and in human global society is horrific. It hurts
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Global molecular research is hampered by every group creating their own website policies and practices

  I am reading at The background, text color and layout are difficult to read. Is there any way to turn off the background animation, set the font weight and size to readable values? I came across a note on ResearchGate asking for proposals. I was interested in your site and purpose. For the
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