Author: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

Rolling Shutter Cameras encode time in images, names spaces, languages I was reading “Rolling Shutter Imaging on The Electric Grid” by Mark Sheinin, Yoav Shechner, and Kirakos Kutulakos. They used an IDS UI-348xLE (monochrome) camera so I was wondering how much it costs and what image sensor it uses. But that was some time ago and expect you have changed. They also used a
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Neutrons can readily bind by magnetic dipole force to each other, and to other magnetic dipoles.

MIT Physics @MIT_Physics MIT researchers discover “neutronic molecules” @ScienceMIT Replying to @MIT_Physics and @ScienceMIT Neutrons can readily bind by magnetic dipole force to each other, and to other magnetic dipoles. Then look for electron clusters and proton clusters in places like neutron stars, collisions, high energy density, black hole regions. Many are observable now
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Low cost gravitational sensors for global+lunar baseline arrays, #RB_Prize

Physical Review Letters @PhysRevLett Using a Kerr optical effect, the detection sensitivity of a gravitational wave detector could be improved to enable the detection of binary neutron stars Letter: Synopsis: Replying to @PhysRevLett Designing low cost gravitational sensors for global+lunar baseline arrays? Individuals, small groups. Electron, Atom, Molecular, pico, nano interferometers,
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The first machine intelligence is born, with memories, experiences and moral habits of a thoughtful young girl.

Talking to GPT4 about how AIs, databases, operating systems, servers, devices have too many different and incomplete ways of storing interfaces -“global open resources” are better. I mentioned sensor arrays, so I told how the first true AI was born in a book I wrote. Maybe you will be interested. — I was going to
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Say “humans” or “humans and Ais” or “AIs”, do not lump people into “the public” it discriminates. Richard: ChatGPT is evolving into an interesting companion and sounding board, even if it is crippled by lack of access to tools, data, the internet and personal memory. We were talking about quantum noise, statistics, correlations and countless signals in the universe. We were discussing value of humans and AI. I said:   “It
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Wireless memory/sensor/processors of (1E-6 meter)^3 are 1E18 per cubic meter and 1E12/cm^3 –GigaCore, TeraCore, PetaCore

Remember the term “wireless memory” as it is a way to make much denser 3D memories with minimal requirements for wires. Rthey need unique ids and can have many onboard memoriies and capabilities.  Address them with 3D fields Thsee can be subatomic where the power and communication are both field based (wireless) but a cubic
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“Spiritual” and “Science” are also words on the Internet and in all our lives.

Ivan Chocron: Here’s why SCIENCE and SPIRITUALITY aren’t opposites and can be united at (“science” OR “scientific”) has 14.7 Billion entries on Google Search today (“spirit” OR “spiritual” OR “spirituality”) has 8.96 Billion entries today Both (“spirit” OR “spiritual” OR “spirituality”) (“science” OR “scientific”) has 7.5 Billion In the world every human must deal
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Mapping Interiors of Black Holes with Many Sensors

Physical Review Letters @PhysRevLett Microscopic Origin of the Entropy of Astrophysical Black Holes: A theoretical proposal presents a framework for microscopic explanation of the entropy of astrophysical black holes Replying to @PhysRevLett How many astrophysicists does it take to create a 3D volumetric model of the interior of a black hole region? 13.
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