Richard Behiel: The nature of the Earth’s gravitational potential and acceleration fields

Richard Behiel: The Nature of Gravity, Part 1: Earth’s Potential and Acceleration Fields at Richard Behiel,  I like your animations, they are a help for visualizing. You might want to consider all the mass from the sun, cosmic rays, solar wind, meteorites, dust and things that collide and interact with the earth over billions of
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Radio Astronomy Data sharing on the Internet

Andrea Corvillon, PHT, I was looking at your data sharing page at On the registration page, it failed because “The Internet Foundation” was not in your list.  That would also seem to restrict anyone from most of the Internet not in your list from registering.  There are roughly 5 billion humans with some
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Twitter – space and earth based time of flight correlation imaging arrays

Physical Review D @PhysRevD Jun 23 The space-based detector LISA @LISACommunity will search for gravitational waves using Time Delay Interferometry variables. A new Suggestion shows that different variable choices than are commonly studied can perform better in non-ideal conditions. #EdSugg Replying to @PhysRevD and @LISACommunity Please also look inside the sun, inside the earth,
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CSI Starbase – Global Open Collaborative Worksites to help with solar system colonization – nuclear nodes 10 GW for 10 minutes

CSI Starbase:  Why SpaceX Is Abandoning “Off-The-Grid” Operations At Starbase at Great tracking and analysis. Do you have the system map, simulations and data online somewhere in open data formats and browser-accessible form? As an integrated model, you could run optimization scenarios to suggest very specific ideas to SpaceX and others. Not just from your
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turbulence in a fluid with background damping

Physical Review E @PhysRevE Studying turbulence in a fluid with background damping, P. Bajaj, A. Ivlev, C. Räth, and M. Schwabe #PlasmaPhysics #Fluids Replying to @PhysRevE You just changed the whole future of hypersonic flight, field controlled boundary layer flight through air, rocket engine optimization, industrial plasma chemistry and a few other things.
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Twitter, Shamim and Shahina, Shahina needs help right now starting an online business

U.S. Embassy Dhaka @usembassydhaka Celebrating the graduation of 50 extraordinary women entrepreneurs from the #AWE Their achievements inspire us to break barriers and pursue our entrepreneurial dreams. #AWE2023 #WomenEmpowerment #Entrepreneurship #TransformingLives @EMKCenter #WomenInBusiness @State_SCA Replying to @usembassydhaka @EMKCenter and @State_SCA Shahina is a young woman in Dhaka. She married Shamim 2 years ago. Before 3
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Colliding protons and electrons and making them fuse, Gravitational energy density, and scale

The Slow Mo Guys: Ridiculous Magnets Colliding at 187,000FPS – The Slow Mo Guys at Slow Mo Guys, you can do the same with protons, electrons, positrons, anti-protons, any particle with a permanent magnetic dipole moment. You have to line up the spins properly, and time them using magnetic resonant imaging methods. But it can
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Roger Penrose – “our big bang region”, modeling regions with high concentrations of quark gluon density voxels

Sir Roger Penrose – STORY OF THE UNIVERSE at Roger Penrose, Blackboard and paper drawings are not as flexible as 3D simulations and visualizations. And both human modeling methods are way less than the raw data from sensors and sensor arrays. It is not hard (in a few years) to put radio and optical sensor
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