Infrared Detectors, Detector sensitivity, “the Jones Unit” I came across this entry for your book on ResearchGate but it does not seem to be connected to your profile. I am looking at infrared detector sensitivities to see which might be getting close to where they will pick up gravitational variations. Many new detectors now can pick up what is termed
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Every star contributes to expansion, every black hole region contains many bodies, the big bang was a small and ordinary event

Anton Petrov: Whole Universe May Be Evaporating According To New Study at Anton Petrov, I think you ought to focus on the life of any star. The matter concentrates into stars, reaches critical density to ignite nuclear reactions, and then, for the rest of the stars life, it will be radiating neutrinos, photons, electrons, protons
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Superconductors are modifying the local gravitational potential and shaping it. Magnetic Flux Pinning

The Action Lab: Quantum Locking Will Blow Your Mind—How Does it Work? at I am fairly certain that the “fluid” you are stirring with no internal friction, is the gravitational potential field itself. A super critical fluid made up of magnetically bound pairs much smaller than the electron. At the surface of the earth the
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Strong Nuclear force using magnetic dipole force and energy

The Action Lab: What Does The Strong Nuclear Force Look Like? at The simplest easy model for the strong force that I found is to simply calculate the magnetic dipole force between the particles. Electrons protons neutrons each have permanent magnetic dipole moments in units of Joules/Tesla. To get the force in Newtons multiply the
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THz imaging in quantum Hall conductors and superconductors. Gravitational energy density and gradients

Susumu Komiyama, I was looking for your paper, “Electron temperature of hot spots in quantum Hall conductors” and found this THz imaging paper on ResearchGate. I think at zero temperature the magnetic energy density and its gradients are important. “hot spots” are just part of it. I was looking at ways to push the fields
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Florida High Magnetic Field — Reentrant Superconductivity, Spin Flop, near gravitational magnetic fields,

APS Physics: Large-scale Scientific Facilities and Diplomacy at Laura Greene, I have been studying (looking for ways to create and maintain) high magnetic fields (over 400 Tesla) for more than 50 years now. Every few years I check to see what MagLab has been doing, but the website always seems a bit chaotic and incomplete.
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Beneq: Atomic Layer Deposition, Picoscale substrates will allow picoscale structures and devices

Beneq: Chemistry of Atomic Layer Deposition with Sean Barry – ALD Stories Ep. 22 at Sean Barry, Fascinating to hear your story. I got introduced to gold atomic deposition because someone asked me to process and quantify their camera images of gold nano and micro droplets over time. Then later flame synthesis of SiC
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The Action Lab: Lasers, LEDS, lenses and focusing intensity to burn or illuminate things, vortex pressure

The Action Lab: What Happens if You Focus a 5W Laser With a Giant Magnifying Glass? Negative Kelvin Temperature! at The intensity in Watts/meter^2 is roughly equal to the Stefan-Boltzmann constant times the 4th power of the temperature in Kelvin. When you focus parallel rays to a smaller area, the intensity goes up, and the
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Global molecular research is hampered by every group creating their own website policies and practices

  I am reading at The background, text color and layout are difficult to read. Is there any way to turn off the background animation, set the font weight and size to readable values? I came across a note on ResearchGate asking for proposals. I was interested in your site and purpose. For the
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Physics@Berkeley on 10 Apr 2023, Chen-Yu Liu The Neutron Lifetime Puzzle

Physics@Berkeley:  April 10, 2023: Chen-Yu Liu The Neutron Lifetime Puzzle at Chen-Yu Liu, Links to the author(s) and collaborators. Links to the papers (make sure link to open accessible sources). Links to the raw data and algorithms (software used). No missing pieces, get all the settings, assumptions, steps. There are about 5 billion Internet users
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