Category: Atomic Fuels

Physics@Berkeley on 10 Apr 2023, Chen-Yu Liu The Neutron Lifetime Puzzle

Physics@Berkeley:  April 10, 2023: Chen-Yu Liu The Neutron Lifetime Puzzle at Chen-Yu Liu, Links to the author(s) and collaborators. Links to the papers (make sure link to open accessible sources). Links to the raw data and algorithms (software used). No missing pieces, get all the settings, assumptions, steps. There are about 5 billion Internet users
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Flyment: Global air transportation industry and alternatives

Flyment: How Qatar Airways Secretly wanted to Circumvent landing rights to Dominate the Market at Flyment, You outlined some of the mistakes they made, and probably other airlines make. But you did not research solutions and pathways for the global industry. Much of air flight is unnecessary, and stems from too many airline investors chasing
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Timothy Dyck: Tool making on Mars

Timothy Dyck:  Why I bought this train rail at Timothy Dyck, This was an interesting video. These days I am mainly tracking solar system colonization and gravitational engineering. So, seeing your tools, methods and materials, I tried to translate that to Mars, Moon, various orbits and transit situations in space. Mass is expensive so taking
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See the Pattern: Casimir forces, measurng and calculating 3D fields efficiently, Gravitational energy density and engineering

See the Pattern: Casimir Effect – What causes this force? at See the Pattern, To represent 3D fields, it is relatively easy to find many orthogonal representations. For atoms and molecules the groups often start from the Schrodinger equation, or the nonlinear Schrodinger equation. It is also possible to use 3D Fourier and wavelets. There
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Large airplanes can go global, electromagnetic and look ahead

The Unreal in Reality: Top 5 Largest Planes Ever Built In The World! at Thanks, I was looking to see what the limits might be. I was looking at SpaceX (and competitors) who might want to offer global point to point freight and human cargo. As I watched your list, I was thinking that any
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Hamamatsu Corporation, Can you tell me? Globally accessible remote experiments for education and new industries

Hamamatsu Corporation, Can you tell me what kinds of experiments might use your soft x-ray sources? I am interested in teaching statistics and many people are interested in x-rays. This might be a good way to introduce them to the topic. A stable and reliable source with variations. And, presumably, various easy to use detectors
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The EM vacuum fluctuations are likely fluctuations in the gravitational potential field, vibrational strong coupling zero point energy

Jyoti Lather   The “zero point EM fluctuations” are most likely gravitational energy density fluctuations. At the surface of the earth, the gravitational energy density is equivalent to a magnetic field of about 360 Tesla, the peak is about 1500 eV. The distribution is approximately black body and extends through soft x-ray and XUV down
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Note to Angstrom Engineering about Magnetron sputtering for space propulsion and applications

Magnetron Sputtering, E-Beam Evaporation, Thermal Evaporation, Ion Beam Processing at I was encouraging groups to tackle improving the chemical only propulsion used in things like SpaceX Starship and related earth to orbit systems. Their specific impulse is limited because they do not understand how to generate ion electron and plasma flows with high specific energy.
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Earth to orbit and hypersonic point to point, rocket propulsion optimization has orders of magnitude potential

Vidduley: Electrodeless Ring Discharge History (since 1884!) at Wade Cooper, Don’t just focus on the electromagnetic fields, but spend as much time on acoustics. The ions carry a lot of the mass and energy. USE SI units (Pascal and Kelvin) most of the literature will use those units and you will waste a lot of
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