Comment on Downwind Faster Than the Wind by Veritasium, How Does it Work?

Downwind Faster Than the Wind by Veritasium: How Does it Work? A good quantitative simulation does not need words, and the process of design is more efficient, not maintaining an inaccurate word model alongside the simulation. The words will always be ambiguous, but the model can be calibrated and fit to measurements from the
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Comment on making rubies in a microwave oven

How To Make Ruby in a Microwave at It looks like the aluminum wire is burning (oxidizing) to aluminum oxide, and melting some of the close mixture. If you use coarse grained aluminum powder, and mix with the oxides, it might work longer and more uniformly. The melting point of aluminum oxide is 2072
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Fall of Civilizations should be Changes of Civilizations – video comment

8. The Sumerians – Fall of the First Cities I would call it “Changes in Civilizations” and give a global context. Heard and saw many things I will try to remember. I especially appreciate the narrative on global climate change and sea level rise as a historical force. It made me wonder if the
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Sanskrit, Tamil, Sumerian, Hangul – grammars, literacy, the Internet

Clif, I am looking at the origins of Sumeria. The language is similar to Tamil, and the roots of the early languages include Sanskrit. An Indian grammarian named Panini studied and formalized a grammar notation for Sanskrit in a way that is considered to be an early context free grammar.  The reliance on “string rewriting
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Spinal cord injury – global coordination and support system needed

ShahinaJoly, I read these and I am very sorry that this has happened to someone in your family. My younger brother broke his neck at C1-C2 many years ago and was quadriplegic, on a respirator, constantly sick with pneumonia, until he died a year and a half after his accident. It was one of the
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Emoji languages – symbols and communication

Emily, Humans and animals with eyes are pretty good at quickly identifying things seen in the past.  It is a basic survival skill.  “Identify the person”, “Identify the weapon”, “Identify the ripe fruit”. So when training populations for basic survival, you probably have to go back to “Identify and classify quickly” – if you value
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Comment on a sunset image posted on Facebook – purpose, uses and sharing of live camera streams on the Internet

Peggy, I keep suggesting that you put in an all sky camera as a live feed to YouTube. I have been reviewing live videos like that on the Internet, and there are many of beaches, cities, mountains, forests, nature. I have found thousands of them and study them as a new Internet resource for education,
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Particle Clicker Game at CERN

Hello, I was looking at all groups working on games on GitHub and came across this particle clicker game. and “An addictive incremental game that teaches players the history of high energy particle physics” So you click, it pulls up a random diagram of a scattering event, with no associated data.  Shows it
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