Category: Intelligent Algorithms

Comment on How much weight can you remove from your car? I would like to see the bare minimum weight by taking everything. That weight in every car is costing fuel and global warming. Think how many cars are for one person. Need more people? — uber it or share. I drove for years with no one else in the car, carrying all that extra
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Comment on String Data Structures Question – Purpose and Meaning

Strings are just one example of the larger problem of sequences and patterns (any dimensions). This morning, I am just surveying the Internet for rock types and measurements used in geochemistry. There are many methods and representations. Does the student like to explore, to gather, to find general patterns, to share what they have found,
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Intermediate nuclear materials, atomic fuels, space chemistry, vacuum technologies, fusion by magnetic binding

Shawn, I keep coming back to your interests.  This morning I was looking at planetary and space chemistry.  Not trying to find economic opportunities, but rather just to see all the people and groups, the issues and opportunities discussed.  There are books and papers and reports and studies. But they are all on paper, and
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Comment on Fusion Rockets Video Neutrons have a permanent magnetic moment and can be accelerated (controlled) by magnetic gradient fields. This included dynamic gradients of many sorts. And nanoscale fields. search “neutron acceleration” and “neutron deceleration” to see people have not ignored the need to control and use neutrons. There are a thousand times that many people working on
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Comment on Houston Astronomical Society Star Parties – Elon Musk All Sky Cameras

Steve and Amelia Goldberg, If Houston Astronomical Society (HAS) would share recordings online, then star parties can be continuous and world wide. Soon, in human terms, there will be people observing from the far side of the moon and from Mars. So I hope Houston Astronomical Society will be a world leader in online community
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Comment on BriTheMathGuy This Sum Amazes Me Every Time – Covid, Internet, Math on the Internet I turn off the sound, turn on the captions, set the speed to one quarter, and don’t look at you gesturing. Plenty of time and fewer distractions. Highly recommend using screen videos. Work out your presentation on the computer, record as you go. Explain the steps and move the pieces around yourself in real
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New Video: Counting as Organization, with Objects in Javascript for Wikipedia and the Internet

I am pretty exhausted, I have to ask others for help, rather than figuring it out myself. Counting as Organization, with Objects in Javascript for Wikipedia and the Internet – In the video I show some small steps as part of a broad program of changes over the whole Internet, but no way to
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Sharing equations, algorithms and data in immediately usable form on the Internet

Anatoliy, I was looking at “nuclear data” on the Internet and at “ENDF”.  I came across your 17 Oct 2018 posting at entitled “Converting ENDF libraries into relational format” Searching to see if you had written anything else on the topic, I also found you listed in Universiti Tenologi Malaysia Library at with
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Comment on Mars Helicopter Snaps color image – Metric, Documenting, Teaching, Sharing

​You are very thoughtful. Yes, I agree about the usual human practices and methods. Every single one of the tens of thousands of groups I studied in detail on the Internet ended up failing or limiting themselves because of the greed of a few people, or policies that benefited only their group. It is particularly
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Comment on Persistent luminescence instead of phosphorescence Enjoyable read with many thoughtful ideas and descriptions. There are several energy sources for these photon flows, but thermal energy harvesting over long periods, then optical photon emission for shorter periods seems to be the theme. The energy stored in electronic states.   I am posting this on 18 Apr 2021: “persistent luminescence” has
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