Looking for the perfect noise, but enjoying ones I find

Frank Nielsen @FrnkNlsn  Thermodynamic process viewed as a trajectory on a statistical manifold satisfying laws of thermodynamics Entropy and informational energy have opposite variations “Onicescu’s Informational Energy and Correlation Coefficient in Exponential Families” https://doi.org/10.3390/foundations2020025 https://pic.x.com/w5butqtmry Replying to @FrnkNlsn Sometimes adding noise helps. Sometimes two noises with identical metrics – one produces an outstanding result, and
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Hans Otto Meyer and the PHELEX experiment, it might make a great gravitational potential sensor

I was reviewing the life of Hans Otto Meyer who started out at Basel University, spent most of his career at Indiana University in Physics. I found him looking at photomultipliers as I was searching for calibration data on Hamamatsu detectors. Any experiments that run continuously and precisely will run into gravitational potential effects. So
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NEVER share static ‘ink on paper’ forms, but real models and tools for billions of humans to work together for all

Brianna Bibel @biochem_bri I added another one of my charts to Zenodo. Here’s the link & citation. As always, hope it helps! Bibel, B., & The bumbling biochemist. (2024). Expanded TCA cycle (TriCarboxylic Acid Cycle, aka Citric Acid Cycle, aka Krebs cycle). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13369827 https://pic.x.com/rhcovhzwd9 Replying to @biochem_bri Make it a living tool to share
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Make “food” from raw materials anywhere in the solar system

Flowers, there are whole “food production” technologies that can make edible materials for humans and related species. Taking wood and stems to make alcohol for fuel, there are industrial and sustainable industries to make sugars, starches – pretty much whatever you want.   Perhaps what you are struggling with is “Is photosynthesis necessary?” or “Do
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Queegle Mutlitask and Freena – Does anyone care?

Now Queegle Multitask had a girl-friend Freena, and Freena reminded him constantly of his promise to take her to the Moon for a week in orbit there. The rates were cheap now, because after the initial glamour of “orbit the moon”, everyone realized that the synth was better, cheaper and much more convenient. Synthetic experiences
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Image tools should be a global open resource – instantly accessible for all humans, all human languages

Patrick Piantadosi @ptpiantadosi  any calcium imaging folks have a good pipeline for correcting (or otherwise dealing with) rather severe motion in 1p miniscope recordings? https://pic.x.com/dr3cmdmywy Replying to @ptpiantadosi Many groups use registration, stacking, “lucky images” and “flow”. It is growing fast, and nearly impossible to follow completely. I label it as a “solved problem where
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An ideal Internet for integrated global innovation, development, research, collaboration and learning

@ThriftBooks You have a book on your site with the title “A Study of Cavitation-Ignition Bubble Combustion”. It is listed as “by unknown author”. You can find it at https://ntrs.nasa.gov/citations/20050215681   A Study of Cavitation-Ignition Bubble Combustion, Glenn Research Center, Technical Memorandum. Authors are Nguyen, Quang-Viet and Jacqmin, David A. It was published 1 Aug
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Ideas are not enough, if not aimed at fundamental needs of all humans and related species

Ricard Solé @ricard_sole  Are there universal laws driving complex systems dynamics across scales? What kind of general theory connects fluctuations in microbiomes, rainforests or economic and urban systems? Check this @PNASNews paper by ashish george & @Jp_odwyer @sfiscience https://pnas.org/doi/abs/10.1073/pnas.2215832120 https://pic.x.com/dmvk3i2qls Replying to @ricard_sole @PNASNews and 2 others My Comment: Yes, all have legacy human systems
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Relic Neutrinos and the gravitational potential field at the surface of the earth

I have studied the gravitational energy density at the earth’s surface since about 1978. Just after Joe Weber told me to read all of Robert Forwards papers. g^2/(8*pi*G) is roughly equivalent to the energy density of a magnetic field of 379 Tesla. I know that the gravitational potential field is turbulent at small scale and
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