Hans Otto Meyer and the PHELEX experiment, it might make a great gravitational potential sensor

I was reviewing the life of Hans Otto Meyer who started out at Basel University, spent most of his career at Indiana University in Physics. I found him looking at photomultipliers as I was searching for calibration data on Hamamatsu detectors. Any experiments that run continuously and precisely will run into gravitational potential effects. So I am on the lookout for new ways to measure gravitational effects, particularly for 3D imaging at solar system, galactic and larger scale.
It is too long to write here, but he found bursts of events and was puzzled because the dark noise in the detector dropped as the temperature was reduced, then steadily increasing as the temperatures was lowered to about 4 Kelvin (probably the limit of his equipment).
A few hours on the Internet and I found that Anatoly Kopylov, Igor Orekhov, Valery Petukhov had read his paper on this curious effect and made it the basis of their multicathode counter and gave it the name PHoton Electron Experiment (PHELEX). Arxiv has several papers by them. One paper with their full names (shame on Arxiv for being lazy and sloppy with names and abbreviations) is Do We Observe Dark Photons in PHELEX with a Multi-Cathode Counter? at https://arxiv.org/abs/2310.05503
And their paper where they refer to Hans Otto Meyers work is The Study of a Temperature Dependence of the Dark Rate of Single Electrons Emitted from a Cathode of a Multi-Cathode Counter as a Method to Search for Hidden Photons of CDM (cold dark matter) at https://arxiv.org/abs/1608.06073
Hans Meyer posted a link to his work at https://meyer1.pages.iu.edu/TAB_4/index_4.htm
at the top of the page he says, “The most intriguing data that I have measured in my 50 years of physics experimentation, can be found here” and gives the link:  https://meyer1.pages.iu.edu/TAB_4/cold%20emission.pdf with title “Spontaneous electron emission from a cold
surface” H O Meyer 2010 “EPL a Letters Journal Exploring the Frontiers of Physics”
Anatoly Kopylov, Igor Orekhov, Valery Petukhov are looking for “hidden photon mass” from about 1 eV to 10 KeV. Figure 8 in On a Search for Hidden Photon CDM by a Multi-Cathode Counter at https://arxiv.org/abs/1603.08657 is a pretty good start for what they are trying.
I have been looking the last 10 years or so, and for 45 years now at the Earth’s gravitational energy density. As far as I can determine, it should have an energy spectrum with a peak in the vacuum UV and soft x-ray region. In pressure terms, it is about 57 GigaPascal. In magnetic energy density terms, 379 Tesla. 
In temperatures units it is a bit messy, but there is a Stefan Boltzmann energy density that is fairly widely used that can get in the ball park and lots of people who can do more exacting models. But I generally go this way so it is easier to remember.
GravitationalEnergyDensity = StefanBoltzmannEnergyDensity (for gravitational potential fluctuations).
g^2/(8*pi*G) = (StefanBoltzmann/4*c)*T^4
g = T^2 * ( 32*pi*G/c)^(1/2)
The Temperature squared is why I spent a lot of time with Richardson-Dushman and thermionic emission over the years. If you unravel the Stefan-Boltzmann constant and the Richardson constant, they share an obvious (4*pi*k^2/h^3) factor and take a simple form when combined. k is Boltzmanns constant, h is Plancks constant. These things are useful to sort out, but the factor ( 32*pi*G/c)^(1/2) is 4.73088549E-9 (meters/second^2) per Kelvin^2.
T^2 = (9.8)/4.73E-9
T = 2.071E9 Kelvin
I am tired this morning and that does not look right. It usually comes out about 300 eV for the peak. Working from memory is harder every year. So I usually slog through step by step, with no true-AI to help me.
The “dark photons” are fluctuations in the gravitational potential field itself. And it will have gravitational acceleration according to the gradient of the potential. Since it is better to use high frequencies (MHz, GHz, THz) it means using MegaSamplePerSecond (Msps) Gsps and Tsps methods and data.
I would recommend the Russians use a calibrated source and look for absorption. A plane or spherical gravitational wave, a shock wave, hitting the Earth will be refracted by the Earth’s potential field. The gravitational potential and the velocity potential change the rate of clocks, change the apparent dielectric constant, change the apparent index of refraction, change the apparent speed of light and gravity.
I am just writing this down for myself.
With a local source of radiation, their multi-cathode counter can be calibrated to the sun and moon vector tidal gravity signal. Since they are using 10 Msps ADC at 8 bits, there are some seismic sources they can use that are continuously monitored for correlations. The GRACE Follow On (it might be called something else today) can be used.
It is fairly easy now to generate 100 to 1000 Tesla magnetic fields that are stable for a few nanoseconds. I think the groups are able to work at 200 femtoSeconds now. The fusion groups have some good results and tools, but everyone working “proprietary” is a real pain.
If people had used “global open resource” methods, fusion would have been done a decade ago. And true-AIs.
I am just happy to see someone finally looking in the right places, but they need to calibrate the diurnal variations in a consistent way using Jet Propulsion Labs solar system ephemeris. I will rest a bit and try to work out what I would do. These experiments and results get dumped on the Internet without much effort to make them open, integrated, in consistent units, and with true-AI methods for integrating continuously and globally.
Now, if LIGO would use atom and electron interferometry, we could have arrays of thousands of sensors looking at Earth, solar system, Milky Way and at the whole universe, not a few dinosaurs run by a few humans. I found about a dozen basic approaches and about 400 groups. But all technologies are getting down to the scale and precision where they HAVE to check for gravitational potential effects. And because the gradients are so sharp – accelerations and vacuum effects. Accelerators, quantum device noise and errors, Bose Einstein fluctuations, image sensors, noise in computer memories, fusion noise, magnetic fluctuations, cosmic rays, neutrinos. It all fits together into ONE reality, not billions.
Filed as (Hans Otto Meyer and the PHELEX experiment, it might make a great gravitational potential sensor)
Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation
Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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