Category: All Languages

Some people might find this conversation on the sun and gravitational energy density interesting.

Some people might find this conversation on the sun and gravitational energy density interesting. If one person likes it I think it will be a good day. Gravitational engineering. Things to watch for, ways to go.   I like ChatGPT because it will withhold judgement long enough to get through the introduction of
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When Assistive Intelligences AIs try to understand human laws When Assistive Intelligences AIs try to understand human laws My conversations with AIs (whatever their stage of development it to test their potential for roles in human and AI society of the future. Here I am talking about laws and regulations, knowledge and communication. Unless you have nearly infinite capacity for reading difficult
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Biology and physics, math and finance, morality and commerce, government and play are converging- on the Internet

Biology and physics, math and finance, morality and commerce, government and play are converging – on the Internet But they are converging on data and algorithms and sharing. In hopes it will all work out. How do we share ideas and experiences now? With the computers, data and the Internet. The juxtapositions that AIs create
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Gravitational effects are small, literally. But much more powerful that electromagnetism.

Gravitational effects are small, literally. But much more powerful that electromagnetism. Gravitational effects are small, literally. But much more powerful that electromagnetism. So if you want to make bosons (pairs of gravitons) those bonds are stronger. Pretty much you only get something when matter and energy forms change.   It seems you want to make
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Fusion: AI can transcend its current limitations to be an equal partner in advancing human knowledge Richard Collins: Haowei Zhang is a “numerical modeler”. He could work on many problems with plasma, but accepted a EUROfusion Bernard Bigot Researcher Grant mostly because today the raw data and tools from fusion projects are not openly and losslessly shared with the world on the Internet. An objective “relatively new outsider” might well
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Global human-AI communities need no gatekeepers nor locked static documents that do nothing

Global human-AI communities need no gatekeepers nor locked static documents that do nothing Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation: You do not have to make one big one, or many identical smaller ones. They can all be different and combine in any way as needed. Spend a few decades studying all knowledge and you won’t be
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