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An ideal Internet for integrated global innovation, development, research, collaboration and learning

@ThriftBooks You have a book on your site with the title “A Study of Cavitation-Ignition Bubble Combustion”. It is listed as “by unknown author”. You can find it at   A Study of Cavitation-Ignition Bubble Combustion, Glenn Research Center, Technical Memorandum. Authors are Nguyen, Quang-Viet and Jacqmin, David A. It was published 1 Aug
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Ideas are not enough, if not aimed at fundamental needs of all humans and related species

Ricard Solé @ricard_sole  Are there universal laws driving complex systems dynamics across scales? What kind of general theory connects fluctuations in microbiomes, rainforests or economic and urban systems? Check this @PNASNews paper by ashish george & @Jp_odwyer @sfiscience Replying to @ricard_sole @PNASNews and 2 others My Comment: Yes, all have legacy human systems
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Relic Neutrinos and the gravitational potential field at the surface of the earth

I have studied the gravitational energy density at the earth’s surface since about 1978. Just after Joe Weber told me to read all of Robert Forwards papers. g^2/(8*pi*G) is roughly equivalent to the energy density of a magnetic field of 379 Tesla. I know that the gravitational potential field is turbulent at small scale and
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Adding a note to Maxwells equations on Wikipedia that will likely be erased – something better is possible Currently: Known as [[electromagnetic radiation]], these waves occur at various wavelengths to produce a [[Electromagnetic spectrum|spectrum]] of radiation from [[radio wave]]s to [[gamma ray]]s. Today there is theoretical research on waves with frequencies from quectoHertz (1E-30 Hertz) to QuettaHertz (1E30 Hertz). Practical measurements are roughly from nanoHertz (1E-9 Hertz) to YottaHertz
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One hand does not know what the other is doing, or They have no clue

Some things really disgust me. This is one. “This content will become publicly available on April 16, 2025”   If OSTI linked the open version, it is not obvious. I think they did not, do not, and do not care at all.   Nuclear Charge Radii of Silicon Isotopes   Nuclear Charge Radii
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Too narrow thinking is an academic stamp, rather global open resources

Claudio Fantinuoli @DrFantinuoli I wish a PhD student would dedicate their research to developing a formal, robust, and operationalizable method for evaluating interpreting performance in real-life settings. When will somebody finally take on this challenge? Replying to @DrFantinuoli You want one person for a short time, when you could have the world for the rest
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Work smart, work small, work with care for all humans and related species

Eric Betzig @Eric_Betzig  Absolute madness. Future generations will curse you for what you’ve done to yourselves.… @disclosetv NOW – Germany blows up the cooling towers of the Grafenrheinfeld nuclear power plant, once a symbol of the country’s energy independence. Replying to @Eric_Betzig Now you can replace it with current and future nuclear and
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The effort to impress a few can start global open networks

Brianna Bibel @biochem_bri  Updated updated metabolic pathways poster for peer review before I order them printed for my class. Thanks in advance! PDF: JPEG: Replying to @biochem_bri Do not print them on paper. Make it a living tool on the Internet that all can use easily, connected to living resources for deep
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