Comment on finding help on – building global communities for learning

​Is there a way to ask for help? I have many projects that I would like to try, but often am missing critical pieces that probably are obvious or trivial for someone else. For instance, I want to write algorithms for pan tilt zoom imaging with multiple cameras. The algorithms are relatively easy – but
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Comment to Allsky Camera Facebook group about context and daytime uses of cameras I am looking at daytime uses of all sky cameras. Satellite images are a bit too bulky and not enough resolution for correlations. Need multiple cameras to recover 3D of clouds. I have seen groups aiming at comets, planes, clouds, rain, sky color, daytime astronomy (is possible), sun and moon tracking, shadows, reflections, multispectral,
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Active Magnetosphere and Planetary Electrodynamics Response Experiment – website status?

Robin, Haje, I am looking at global sensor networks, and got to magnetotelluric arrays.  For background I was reading about natural signals that can be used for calibration and reference and came to To be explicit, I was at and clicked on the link to Project Ampere that took me to  Then
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Comment on Orion Nebula without a star tracker video

Orion Nebula WITHOUT a Star Tracker or Telescope, Start to Finish, DSLR Astrophotography I am trying to estimate the time and cost for myself. Today is 19 Jun 2021 for me. Amazon link to Canon EOS 5D Mark III body only is $899.99 + shipping and tax – never used Canon, lots of screens
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Comment on Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Induced Polarization Mostafa Ebrahimi,   When you ask questions like this, spell out what all the acronyms. IP is mostly “intellectual property” or other things on the Internet.   “electrical resistivity tomography” “induced polarization” gives 42,100 entries on Google search. That means it is fairly mature.  If you are actively surveying a large region you might
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Comment on Geomagnetically Induced Current Data Alaa Mohamed, Today I was just reviewing “global conductivity models” and “geomagnetically induced currents” for the Internet Foundation. The common practice seems to be to use 1D and 3D conductivity models, then use the fairly dense magnetotelluric (MT) arrays for the changing magnetic fields that induce the changes. There are LOTS of electromagnetic datasets.
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Comment on Lucky Imaging and global telescope networks

£700 vs £7,000,000: Astrophotography Shoot Out Ryan Fay? Your link in the description is broken (luckyimage) should probably be There are better ways to combine images from many different sensors. You talked about hundreds?, thousands?, millions?, billions? of people combining images to improve earth surface imaging. Take the human out of the loop.
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Another comment on Schrodinger and noise in the vacuum

L.D. Edmonds I did not mean to stir things up. I track global sensor networks (the communities of people working together) and many of the “quantum” and “gravitational” and “quark gluon” and “neutrino” groups get rather esoteric in their language and methods. The methods are not too hard, but sorting out what people mean by
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Comment on Was Schrodinger’s equation born from statistics? The Schrodinger equation, as it is used most of the time, is the 3D wave equations with stationary solutions. In every practical application you use dynamic models where the resonances and states are part of the constraints. The vacuum states usually require working with the nonlinear Schrodinger solutions. And most scattering and resonance problems
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Comment on String Data Structures Question – Purpose and Meaning

Strings are just one example of the larger problem of sequences and patterns (any dimensions). This morning, I am just surveying the Internet for rock types and measurements used in geochemistry. There are many methods and representations. Does the student like to explore, to gather, to find general patterns, to share what they have found,
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