Brain interface by an AI assisted language that AIs can teach humans to perfection

Sarang, Thanks. I should not be flippant. It just struck me, you are doing something interesting and that was the first thing to came to mind. I have thought about and worked at human computer interfaces now for about 58 years. At the beginning I designed things like nerve skin 10 bit interface where you train a person to “type” at hundreds of words a minute.

I think by going to sub movement level, bandwidths of millions of symbols per second are possible. I keep repeating the story of my brother Jeff who was quadriplegic on a respirator, so no movement, no speaking most of the time. It has to be at an intuitive (machine learning) level. I know it it possible, just brutal slow human guided machine learning and experimentation to find what works. How expressive are eyes, small changes in expression, throat muscle and face muscle movements or intentions to move, blood flow. Whatever it takes. Just like games, some humans can learn. If it were a drone control in war, that might make all the difference.

I was just talking to my son. He lives in Japan with wife and two kids. His startup company downsized recently so he is looking for work in the US. He was working remotely (US firm) coding and supervising and contracts, internet and AI. Any suggestions?
I expect he will survive, The world is changing again. He wanted to go to college in Japan in Japanese for some reason. He is fluent in Japanese and pretty solid in Chinese. English of course. He works hard and smart. I am proud of him. I think he understands what is important. Family makes the future worth working toward.

Human training and learning is nowhere near its potential. With attentive AIs and sensors I do not think we should be satisfied with a few dozens words a minute when supervising complete AIs at heavy data tasks need hundreds of times more. Games where immersion means tapping the whole brain, memories and trained responses. Games where immersion means tapping the whole brain, memories and trained responses.

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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