Even with perfect knowledge of all things, and global optimized systems possible, would anyone change?

Even with perfect knowledge of all things, and global optimized systems possible, would anyone change?

No. If it fails, and is needed, it can be recreated in the future. Nothing on earth cannot be restored, if sufficient time, ability, determination and effort is applied. If China overproduces and they can survive, they likely will continue doing it. Can countries waste hundreds of millions of lives with useless activities – of course. If they want to simply kill hundreds of millions, no one will do anything to prevent it. If they want to destroy their future economy and resources, no one in the world has any say. A few people there can make choices and decisions more impactful than any past emperor, life and death, quality of life or not quality of life.
Stop complaining about things you cannot change. No country or region will listen to outsiders. They do not want your ideas or opinions, your suggestions or feedback. Anyone outside cannot change them. Europe listens to no one. China listens to no one. And the few people who make large scale decisions – they have absolute power and no one holding them accountable. No one can tell them “no”, so they never have heard it.

If China and Europe and the whole world worked from an absolutely perfect digital twin of the global systems (economies are systems and can be modeled down to individual actions and choices, transactions and records and impacts now). Do you think any country leaders are going to use that kind of god like view if everyone can see? No, the world runs on secrecy, hidden motives and very very personal emotions of a few.

There are lots of jobs that ex-military and arms workers can do in the much larger solar system colonization future. There are more jobs where focus and ability matter, than killing people in large numbers.  With old earth bound tools and paper systems.

Filed as (Even with perfect knowledge of all things, and global optimized systems possible, would anyone change?)
I can see a few things I would adjust in what I just wrote, but I am too tired right now. There is no way to edit a reply, even for typos or small corrections and additions. Twitter(X) is not a good collaboration site for large or small things, but it could be. X is rigid, so are countries and corporations. Why do systems (organic or otherwise) go extinct? “They could not or would not adapt”.
Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation
Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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