Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, milli, micro, nano, pico, femto, atto Thermo and PiezoDynamics and more

Zhigang Suo @zhigangsuo Jun 11 A beginning thermodynamics course is preoccupied with a fluid, modeled as a system of two independent variables. The number “two” is a choice of convenience, not a matter of principle. Here is a system of one independent variable.
Replying to @zhigangsuo

Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, milli, micro, nano, pico, femto, atto Thermo and PiezoDynamics and more

“Molecules touch each other” –> Molecules interact with each other, often with an average force or bond energy or pressure. “touch” is a human term from everyday experiences. “pressure” or “Pascals are machine readings we use for measurements. There is almost always a standard or reference inside the instruments, or in their manufacture, that is shared globally so the “pressure” or “touch” of one human or instrument is close to the same as the “pressure” or “touch” of others – anywhere in the solar system or beyond.
Now, on the Internet, there are many working with “GigaPascals” or “GPa” and the center of the earth pressure is about 400 GPa. A “diamond anvil cell” can go to about 100-200 GPa, though hints “it is possible to achieve pressures up to 770 GPa”.  And I know groups who routinely go many powers of 1000 larger and smaller.
In the state diagrams where “liquid”, “solid”, “gas” were fairly easy to map by temperature and pressure on paper. The lines on that diagram in older books and papers are now being expanded (into whole diagrams and maps of their own. For water ice, for example, the transition region between liquid water and liquid ice by temperature and pressure is being explored in greater and greater detail. With a host of 3D methods now, not only temperature and pressure, but the distribution and pairings of milli, micro, nano, pico, femto meter states are being examined and stored and studied over milli, micro, nano, pico, femto and atto second time intervals. (Some center of earth pressures are about 370 GPa, but it could be larger if the mass scale for gravitation is changed because of dark matter one day.)  (Some center of earth pressures are about 370 GPa, but it could be larger if the mass scale for gravitation is changed because of ‘dark matter’, one day.)
Students and new people entering new fields now are likely going to be faced with a chaotic set of data in many formats, with many contantly changing tools and measurements. New “reference” values and states will constantly change as groups fight with each other for attention and funding, fame and promotion, prizes and person benefits.
In the regions where crystals form or bond, and dissolve for break, bend or relax – those processes will often be invisible to human eyes. And the new student will be faced with talking heads and waving hands as humans struggle to use words and pictures and “looks like” to record their experiences. Hopefully, on the Internet, more people (and machine proxies for humans) lossless archinve of the measurements, carefully documented, shared and collaboratively studied by up to 8.2 Billion humans, and probably (if Elon Musk dream comes to pass,another 16.4 Billion intelligent nodes in robotic shells or computers, too).
I studied statistical mechanics and thermodynamics and loved “real gases”, “real liquids”, “real semiconductors”, “real crystals”, “real chemicals”, “real isotopes”, “real industrial processes”, “real reactions” – the whole of the read worlds at all scales where lossless and well documented measurements are made, studied, shared, explored, compared, and new things found and shared.
If you watch (mentally or by machine sensors and instruments, through the eyes of the machines and models) as completely still water is carefully cooled, there is usually a region where the kinetic energies of motion, vibrations, ,rotations, bendings, pressure and pressure changes, formation of cracks and many other detectable things are clearly visible now in 3D and time down to those milli, micro, nano, pico, femto, atto and smaller second and meter regions,
If you watch (mentally or by machine sensors and instruments, through the eyes of the machines and models) as completely still water is carefully cooled, there is usually a region where the kinetic energies of motion, vibrations, ,rotations, bendings, pressure and pressure changes, formation of cracks and many other detectable things are clearly visible now in 3D and time down to those milli, micro, nano, pico, femto, atto and smaller second and meter regions. Since you might work on earth, moon, mars, heliospheric (solar system), galactic or larger scales, you will also likely be doing exactly the same kinds of visualizations and models and calculations for Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta.
You will find for water and a myriad of “ice crystal” and “ice cluster” and “ice chains” and “ice sheets” and other combinations of bound (by varying energies) water molecules – there are infinite (practically so) many structures that occur. And the first thing you are likely to face is mapping and counting and classifying those in ways so a human or algorithm can hold it in “memory” at once.
If it is fairly simple (most bonds in fairly rigid uniform lattices) that gets labeled as an “ice”. But slushie things, that move more readily under pressure, the names and behaviors and their measurements – not always to clear or simple.
All the things that happen with water also happen with an almost infinite variety of combinations and shapes and networks of the other elements, all the isotopes of the other elements and at (1 milli micro nano pico femto atto zepto second time scales) many transitional or “meta” or “quasi stable’ states.
I made a thing I call SI (Standard Internet) to replace and expand the paper based (Systeme Internationale). I hope students of all ages will memorize the prefixes in lists like for conversation and writing.
When you write little things, use lower case. When you write Big things write upper case and write out the full prefix and units. Your computer can be trained to do it for you and it can be encoded for sharing. But abbreviations are one killer of knowledge sharing on the Internet and between groups now.
picoPascal (1E-12 Pascal)
QuettaTesla (1E30 Tesla)
rontoElectronVolt (1E-27 ElectronVolt)
Notice that I uppercase the named units. That is to honor the people involved. But also to allow the huge groups of machine, computer  models where they often use formal CamelCase and it is easier for humans (and AIs) to recognize and exactly identify without ambiguity, the unit and scale involved.
The AI groups are trying to mine the internet and all papers and books (it is illegal for them to do that in many cases but they are still doing it). They cannot interpret the uncurated and disorganized “scientific notation” at scale. When you ask any AI to do calculations and they are drawing from the Internet, there are too many variations, and too few character for them to know if “mT” is “milliTesla” or something else.
Mostly you cannot trust tens of millions of humans in various “publication” streams and channels and nodes – if they are not using tools and dataStreams where there is no ambiguity. I am recommending the whole Internet be coded using global open all human language, all domain specific language codes/ tokens/ identifiers/ references. It is possible, just a bit tedious to get it working for all knowledge, in all human and domain specific languages, applications, scales and situations,
It is a huge area of wasted time on the Internet and in processing knowledge on the Internet. I recommend writing things out exactly, or one day make sure your personal AI can handle all of that. So “SI” can mean “my computer knows all of that, and it is guaranteed to never make a mistake. Just like the calculators of old, now you want to know your tools, instruments and algorithms work exactly, globally and forever,
I was only going to mention to you the activity in the state diagrams, and 3D volumetric videos datasets, for water. I was doing a review of groups like that a few days ago and “the chemistry and physics of water” is really beautiful to me.
What I am writing is part of my last few years of trying to put down a few things I have tried to organize and understand from the last 26 years of the Internet Foundation. Pretty much now on the Internet and in the world, if you can form a complete picture of something in your mind, you can build it.
Filed as (Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, milli, micro, nano, pico, femto, atto Thermo and PiezoDynamics and more)
Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation
Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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