Fusion, Gravitational Energy Density, Space, Magnetic loops and energy storage – Facebook

Facebook about braided loops and woven structures.  Steve Mould “How Elastic Knots Really Work”

Everything you are doing with closed wire loops also works for closed magnetic circuits. What flows is not stress (wires and solids), but electrons (conductors) and Webers (units of magnetic flux). The intensities are (Newtons/Meter^2*second)

A Weber/Meter^2 is a Tesla.

Inside the atom, where mostly electrons are involved, KiloVolts and KiloTeslas. Inside the nucleus MegaVolts and MegaTelsas. And the gluons are simply fine grain fields and visualizations where you use the proper energy density and units. It is ONE system of units and visualizations, not everyone make up your own private ones.

But closed loops and circuits are handy. On the surface of a star the close magnetic loops can have branches, and knots. On the sun the twisted ropes of magnetic flu can bind and break.

I study systems where there are 100s and 1000s of Teslas because the energy density of the gravitational field at the surface of the earth is roughly equivalent to 379 Tesla. And when systems like fusion magnetic fields are used, and they do not take account of gravitational potential changes, they will likely fail. I think it is a good idea to do the fusion experiments in space or moon.

If you study transition matrices or arbitrary networks, the nth powers of those matrices can converge to zero or they can go to stable values. These also describe Markov processes with closed loops. It is a rich field of study that I cannot do justice to here. But I write it for my notes to remind myself. I started studying those kinds of things about 1966 when I first studied random neural nets, so there are connections to the information content of arbitrary networks. When systems are built by human groups “by accretion” one might always expect when you combine data from many sources a compression of about 200x with fairly simple methods and algorithms. I built databases with all the data on all countries from all the groups tracking countries. What took years to master in separately maintained pieces could be used as a whole in days when I put it into one system. When fragments of information about famine were scattered “famine” seems insurmountable and mysterious. But combined in one system (the Famine Early Warning System I set up) could track the whole world with just a few people and peer networked data.

I spent the last 26 years with The Internet Foundation to see if I could combine all the data (all human knowledge) from the Internet and make that whole accessible to all humans in all human languages and in all domain specific languages like Science Technology Engineering Mathematics Computing Finance Government Organizations Topics (STEMC-FGOT). It is possible but I had to encode the entire Internet and particularly all units and dimension, all formats and data, all words and concepts. it is NOT hard, just tedious and requires care and attention to detail.

I have found some databases and systems where they have no content, even when they have lots of stuff. They look like Gordian knots, but they simplify and nothing, or only a little, is left.

I have been writing continuously the last five years. But no human can write fast enough or think fast enough for the global issues and opportunities facing the human and related species now.

So I am encouraging the Elon Musks and leaders of the world now to get their act together and focus on global needs. One thing is to stop all the wars and fighting. It is possible. If you think making war takes coordination and knowledge then waging peace and global benefit for all humans and related species is also possible. And true intelligent systems can hold all the information and use it wisely, verifiably, accessible to all.

This group here is doing something that could transform the future of space travel and sustainable energy for humans. I encourage you to search out things like “vortex tubes”, “magnetic flux”, “magnetic reconnection” and study the phenomena, not the theories. Start fresh, look at what was done before, but do not listen to “impossible” if it is over 5 years ago.

These flux tubes are also threads of power that can be extended to any size. They can tie nuclear components together in “extended nuclear materials” where the bonds are “atomic”KeV (KiloElectronVolt) bonds, not “chemical” eV (ElectronVolts) bonds. They can be “nuclear” MeV (MegaElectronVolt) bonds. And those MeV bonds are primarily magnetic dipole forces grow stronger than Coulomb forces at nuclear distances.

Protons and antiprotons, electrons and antielectrons (positrons) can bind magnetically. Electrons and electrons can bind by magnetic forces at close distance. It takes creative and curious and diligent people to sort out and use those kinds of things. but if we are going to putter around the solar system we need C/10 speeds (speed of light over 10). It might start from playing with knots and playing with closed superfluid magnetic currents. The rules for conductivity of magnetic flux are not the same as the rules or conductivity of electrons and ions, and both can transmit signals, power, energy and forces.

The gravitational acceleration fields of natural sources like the earth are just field. The can be synthesized and made as close to natural fields as wanted. So if you want to lift something the size of a SpaceX Starship its crew and cargo to mission height and velocity – that is just an engineering problem and NONE of the pieces is missing or mysterious. It is all on the Internet, but it needs to be indexed, verified and put into accessible for for all humans, not just a greedy few.

I am on Twitter(X)

Filed as (Fusion, Gravitational Energy Density, Space, Magnetic loops and energy storage)

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

At 1:00 in the video he mentions “braided loops” but those are specifically “closed braided loops” and he draws the physical strings or wires and “loop over” and loop “under”. I expect there are knitting, weaving and similar instructions for how to do threads and weaves of various sort. The computer owes much to punched cards, punched tapes, Jacquard loom, music boxes, player pianos and such. Those likely all have several formats and software to convert them to actions for automation. The G code of 3D printers the CNC instructions of manufacturing have rich histories and capabilities, and some outstanding problems.

I am getting too old to hold braids and strings in my head, but it likely can be encoded and machine learning applied to the coded forms for merging, finding patterns in, coding, building and 3D printing things.  There are pretty smart sewing machines, knitting machines that can be programmed / coded. Robotic “arms and hands” or many sorts can use global open formats for things that need to be shared between groups. And if everyone registers their interests, those can be kept up to date globally for global efforts of many sorts.

My mother had 4 sisters but no brothers. I was the oldest son of hers, so I learned embroidery, mending and sewing before I learned to read.  I stored all those memories, but do not use them often. And every time I used threads, or fabrics of any kinds, or anything equivalent like circuits, process diagrams, neural networks, business processes, global scale projects –  I would translate and integrate.  That diagram at 1:00 is 4 parallel threads with three 1,2 crosses three 2,3 crosses, and three 3,4 crosses.  It could have 1,3 and 1,4 and 2,4 crosses as well (perhaps).

The Einstein transitions for lasers and a vast body of “quantum spectroscopy transitions” are also tabulated and widely applicable. The spectral lines of nuclei, atoms, molecules, and many metamaterials at all sizes fit into those kinds of patterns. As do the pulse sequences for 3D magnetic resonance imaging and the many atom interferometer and atomic beam and atomic plasma devices and applications.  If you want to go to attoMeters (1E-18 meters) or smaller or larger, you will need to learn a bit of nuclear and atomic and subatomic jargon. I recommend all groups use SI (Standard Internet) units which cover all units, not just a few old ones from (Systeme Internationale)

If you are working with 3D multilayer PCB boards, those can create closed and open braided loops. I expect that signals from braided loop antennas are unique and “handed”.

In chemistry down to “subnuclear chemistry””chirality” and “transition”. vector and tensor notations are important, and many of those would likely benefit if the geometric and path constraints had global open formats and encodings for manufacturing and uses. The people who discover and encode for the first times. The people who use new tools and methods for the first time to replicate,share and test. The ones who see needs of thousands and millions and try to make those for explorations. The systems that make billions and trillions of things that much of the human (and related species) need

On Twitter(X) I am @RichardKCollin2 — Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

The human species has 8.2 Billion parallel threads with many crossings, interactions, and connections at different times.  It can be stored in an open format.

I searched for “braided loops” and like I expected there are many places this concept of braiding is used now. “Anomalous multi-gap topological phases in periodically driven quantum rotors” by Volker Karle, Mikhail Lemeshko, Adrien Bouhon, Robert-Jan Slager, F. Nur Ünal was posted 29 Aug 2024 and they use a term “nodal-line braiding” and the problem seems to be how to list, organize and use sequences of controls in multi-threaded processes.

The whole of “multi-threaded” and “threads in computing” and “parallel processing” or “distributed processing” benefits because humans have weaving and knots and fabrics to use for topologically equivalent things. Teaching computers to do things like this simply means making a useful encoding. Or letting a machine learn from video and examples.

This Facebook is hard to work in. I almost lost this message by clicking off the text area by accident. I cannot control the interface and cannot use a standard interface of my own in all sites and situations. So humans are forced to learn billions of conventions for every site and page and group and topic. Humans are wasting hours where seconds could do, and decades where weeks or days would do.

Bob OConnor It took me a while to find where you wrote something. Facebook notifications took me to all the comments for the video, not to where you wrote. It would not even open your Facebook page so I could look from there.

Your “Do go on” is a bit broad. I was just writing to Zhigang Suo (@zhigangsuo) on Twitter(X). He was saying that T D Lee had affected his career and life. Lee died in August. I have never been happy with “parity violation”. When it is driven by theory, it is mostly useless. When it is driven by experiments that “proves” the old rules do not apply — but they do not every build something new, that also seems useless.

I write about 40 hours a week and I write fast. So not knowing your interests, I cannot be sure what you are aiming for.

I just wrote these notes this morning and yesterday.

Wu’s parity violation is likely magnetic for strong (MeV) and weak (KeV) isotope reactions at /?p=17021

Surface magnet flux tubes can sense and control emerging and stable vortex structures and turbulence at /?p=17017

Fusion, Gravitational Energy Density, Space, Magnetic loops and energy storage at /?p=16999 is most of this Facebook content, but seeing it as a document might make it easier to read.

I can work with all the nuclear and subatomic data using magnetic units. I can put all the gravitational (including dynamic gravitational fields in magnetic units). I did that because Joe Weber told me to follow Robert Forward and Robert Forward used the gravitational energy density in a way that could be applied.

This one is from a few days ago, and I had it marked as private, but it does talk about KeV and MeV magnetic bonds.

KeV and MeV bond reactions with practical applications – atomic fuels, and extended nuclear materials at /?p=16911

I see that my notes on TheInternetFoundation.net I wrote 2,807 notes and there are 1,015 of them that I shared.

Here is Joe Weber in his lab as I remember him at /?p=144

Maybe these might give you some ideas, or you can sort out your impressions and say more clearly what you are looking for.


Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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