Author: Richard K Collins
The Internet Foundation
Internet policies, global issues, global open lossless data, global open collaboration
At it does not sort by max speed properly. Put Mbps (Megabitspersecond)) at the top, and just numbers in the column. Then make sure it works. Mega is uppercase. The “Estimated Population Covered” is misleading since it is not customers. and you have no way to show multiple providers fighting for market share in
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Zhigang Suo @zhigangsuo Thank you @RichardKCollin2. This textbook results from class notes of a lecture course. How to integrate artificial intelligence and human intelligence is an important question. This question is not addressed in our book. Replying to @zhigangsuo and @RuiHuangUTAus Even if it took you a year or two to make an AI version,
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In the Terminator series, there is a scene just as Skynet takes over, where some flying drones, that for some reason have machine guns, attack them. For some reason your picture reminded me of that. I asked Microsoft Bing CoPilot about that scene, and it excitedly said it was very familiar with those scenes and
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My first impression is that you are much too ambitious to try to cover mechanics and thermodynamics and polymers. You are not deep enough on any one of these many topics to be useful. It is interesting that you put the text on Google docs and ask for some form of collaboration, but Google is
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Amber, I mostly write to strangers the last couple of decades, for the Internet Foundation. And for DNA genealogy which I still do. So there is not as much of a personal relationship. My record now is 5.5 years to get a reply, so when I write to any person or group, for any reason,
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At you have a few paper by H A Neidig. His full name is Howard Anthony Neidig. If you search for him you find he attended Lebanon Valley College in Pennsylvania and was an early advocate for the Chemical Bond Approach effort that seems to have been stimulated by John F Kennedy’s “moon
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Passion Without Guidance. My first year of high school was 1963/64 at Eau Gallie High School just across the bay from Cape Canaveral where my Dad was working. Kennedy gave his moon speech at Rice University on 12 Sep 1962. Within a few months, my Dad left his old job in Texas and moved our
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John Hewitt @johnhewtt Ruth-Ann’s great work building a Jamaican Patois Natural Language Inference dataset was picked up by Vox as part of its video “Why AI doesn’t speak every language.” Happy to see Ruth-Ann’s work (and disparities in NLP across languages) get this general audience coverage.… Ruth-Ann Armstrong @ruthstrong_ Check out this Vox video
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I was trying to have a conversation with Microsoft Bing CoPilot about the sounds in all human languages and the need for a simple way to enter codes for those sound. The IPA claims to cover all human languages, but I seriously doubt it. If IPA is too complicated and burdensome so that the users
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Working on: 1. Reorganizing all projects posted on Github 2. Reorganizing all WikiMedia projects 3. Replacing all browsers and operating systems 4. All human languages, all human sounds 5. All computer languages, all Internet content 6. All mathematical languages 7. Optimizing data from all microphones, cameras, sensors 8. The global software network 9. The global
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