Author: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

Age discrimination in education

Stéphane Hacquard @hacquard_st Hello world! A 2-year postdoctoral position is available in my group @mpipz_cologne. If you like microbe-microbe interactions, microbial genetics, and single-cell omics, this position is for you! Apply here -> Deadline -> Jan 15th Please share 🙏 Replying to @hacquard_st and @mpipz_cologne When I got past age 65, I found
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The AI is just a proxy for its owners, developers and community.

Aran Komatsuzaki @arankomatsuzaki TinyGSM: achieving >80% on GSM8k with small language models A duo of a 1.3B generation model and a 1.3B verifier model can achieve 81.5% accuracy, outperforming existing models that are orders of magnitude larger Replying to @arankomatsuzaki On life-critical global issues, 99.999% is required. That it possible with care and
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Pre-compile instructions so all pre-requisites are identified and resolved

Kirk Borne @KirkDBorne #infographic — Explaining supervised and unsupervised #MachineLearning algorithms Source: Replying to @KirkDBorne Convert this into a form so that it can be absorbed by any AI and used immediately without error. They are going to have to be given the meanings and parameters of the many acronyms you used. You
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Solar eclipse oscillations dataset for open sharing and updates, active surfaces slide or pull through air

Stephen Wolfram @stephen_wolfram Preparing for 2024 … analyzing video I took at the 2017 eclipse. Here’s the light curve I got. The dip is totality. Anyone know what the glitches up and down are? iPad exposure control? (They’re too slow for shadow bands) Replying to @stephen_wolfram Stephen, have your favorite AI search ( “solar
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Gravity can be linear, but also nonlinear with flows and fluctuations

Science News @ScienceNews Jonathan Oppenheim thinks that gravity might be fundamentally classical, meaning it isn’t quantum at all. Replying to @ScienceNews Yes. 20 years ago I used the small network of superconducting gravimeters to measure the speed of gravity. At low sampling rates, the field is nearly perfectly Newtonian. At micro nano pico femto
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Lightfield emitters for compiled patterns for specific purposes. Also AIs need to be trained as humans and certified

Ben, I can probably interest some groups in creating cost effective light field projectors.  I got three projectors today but have not had time to use them and research them. I bought Lytro cameras back in the day and follow those technologies and purposes. If AIs “go to college” that will expose the weaknesses in
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Content based servers and user controlled viewers and user tools

Juxtapposed: I Redesigned the ENTIRE Steam UI from Scratch at Nice work, but just one site and one topic. If all games on the Internet were handled by one game viewer (with all the things you listed and more), then the game suppliers and sales outlets would serve content for the “game viewer” and
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