Note to NIST about gold Au typos The Thermal Expansion of Pure Metals

Hello, I was looking at The Thermal Expansion of Pure Metals: Copper, Gold, Aluminum, Nickel, and Iron at It has a spreadsheet.  In the “Au data” sheet There is a temperature 38136.  I think that ought to be 381.36. The value for 157 centigrade, 37.3417?  Should it be 0.00373417? The value at 34.6 centigrade,
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Comment on Anton Petrov video on astrophysical measurement of fine structure constant variations

Your link goes to “pay per view”. Here is an open version A limit on variations in the fine-structure constant from spectra of nearby Sun-like stars Mysterious Fine Structure Constant (1/137) Measured In Nearby Stars The exact term, “fine structure constant” has 1.1 Million entry points (Google search, 26 Nov 2022). And you
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Project update – omega squared for high sampling rate gravimeters

Accelerometers and gradiometers get better at higher frequencies, use the Internet to multiply capabilities many fold These “updates” are just things I think are important to remember, and what I can find time and energy to write down. If you see something you disagree with, write me or make a comment. I got a
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Calibrating all gravitational sensors into a single imaging array, Measuring speed of gravity as a routine calibration for gravitational networks Calibrating all gravitational sensors into a single imaging array: I was thinking about this some more. The gravitational potential from the sun and moon changes significantly during the year and over the course of the day. And the absolute values (for the usual network few hundred samples per second and slower) change slowly. Your
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Comment On The Normal Height Differences Determination From Geopotential Differences Using real time comparisons via electromagnetic signals gets more complicated. Trying to use high speed storage of the signals gets memory intensive and expensive. As much of the data is nearly the same.   The reason I used the vector tidal gravity signals for calibration and standardization is that each location can compare to
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Copy of Things posted on HackaDay.IO about Low Cost Time-of-Flight Gravimeters

Low Cost, Time-of-Flight Gravimeter Arrays More information posted at ResearchGate on 3 axis gravimeters RichardCollins • 07/19/2022 at 17:15 • 0 comments My main “job” is the Internet Foundation, so I am constantly monitoring global issues, methods and activities on the Internet. But I have a heart for research groups and gravitational noise detector
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Twitter about World History Encyclopedia @whencyclopedia Our mission is “to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide” ==> “History” for everyone with access to the Internet. (~4.9 B)   “solar system colonization” now gives new meanings to “world”, global, “world-wide”,” everywhere”.

Comment on Video about oracle bones

“oracle bone” OR “oracle bones” has 335,000 entry points (Google, 13 Aug 2022) “divination” has 18.6 Million entry points “prognostication” has 4.54 Million entry points “fortune teller” OR “fortune telling” has 17.4 Million entry points “prediction” OR “predicting” OR “predictions” has 832 Million entry points “forecast” OR “forecasts” OR “forecasting” OR “forecaster” OR “forecasters” has
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Twitter about continuous global Big G experiments to contrain JPL solar system ephemeris

Vector sun moon tidal signal from gravimeter arrays is pure Newtonian GMm/r2. Sample at Msps Gsps for G variations by frequency at continuous global Big G stations to constrain sun moon earth masses, omegaE, JPL ephemeris, gravitational time dilation. You might be interested in my project on ResearchGate. I added an update today about
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Twitter to DODSTEM about extending STEM to ISTEM – Internet Science Technology Engineering Mathematics

@DoDstem Recommend you extend STEM to at least STEMCC – Algorithms, Communication. Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics all depend most critically on use of Computers. As well as global Human-Computer, Human-Human and Computer-Computer data flows on the Internet. @DoDstem Add Internet to STEM to make ISTEM. In 24 years I found all Science Technology Engineering Mathematics
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