Category: Internet efficiency

Electrospray and laser assisted “fabrics” and “strings” can be made – up to atomic and nuclear bond energies

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative @ChanZuckerberg Imaging researcher @edithsandstroem + team captured this image in under 12 minutes—the same image generated with the current standard of mass spectrometers would take more than 3 days! Replying to @ChanZuckerberg and @edithsandstroem The electrospray Taylor cone approach for surface tension (surface energy) might well be applied to carbon, boron,
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Sites cannot force cookies on users and it is bad business. Best to be nice and ask people to join a vibrant community

Rejecting cookies now costs money. Is this even legal? at The “our way or the highway” has been around for many years. But in recent years, particularly the last year or so, more sites are using cookie challenges that allow “set preferences” with “reject all”. I have been tracking the Internet for the last
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Yes, David, Internet search is highly biased and controlled by a few. It can be better

David Ho @_david_ho_ Anyone else notice that search doesn’t really work anymore? It used to be great. Replying to @_david_ho_ In the 26 years of the Internet Foundation, I have seen the Internet as a whole get worse. The terms I mostly use for myself are like “co-opted”, “fiddled” “manipulated”, “gamed”, “biased”. True random
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Networks of atoms and particles and molecules. milli micro nano pico femto atto devices and processes

Zhigang Suo @zhigangsuo In Thursday morning, I ended my lecture with this slide. Knits and weaves are yarns of dense entanglements. Knits are stretchable, but weaves are not. Sitting beside me on the plane today is a lady knitting a sock. She entangles a single yarn into a network. A single yarn!… Pretty
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Foundation updated – One “Seldon year” is worth 1000 years of humans doing it unaided

The Trantor of Foundation only had 40 Billion humans. With nuclear, atomic and true AI, most everyone could see the sky. The food and material intermediates flowing to human consumable and fabrication locations, can be energized by nuclear and atomic power sources. Mainly gamma, electron, ion and isotope forms – which are well understood and
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Internet Efficiency Prizes, Internet Best Practices

Morning Brew: Why the Internet Is Running Out of Electricity at The Internet as a whole is grossly inefficient, sending megabytes where a few Kilobytes would do. Gigabytes where MegaBytes would do. Rarely do you get offered an index and selection from data “sharing”, it is “click here to download petabytes, see we’re sharing”. The
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