Category: Gravitational Engineering

Some Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation footprint sites

Some of my Internet footprints: – Internet Foundation, Gravitational Engineering – Solar System Gravimetry   TheInternetFoundation.Net,.Org,.Com – Internet Foundation Gravitation, Comments – Gravitational detectors, Gravitational engineering   https://GravityNotes.Org – Older notes on using gravitational sensor arrays to monitor global geophysical processes.  There are many videos on YouTube but I
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Every day gravity is Newtonian, and gets more interesting at higher sampling rates Sensitive three axis gravimeters show that vector sun moon tidal signals are nearly perfectly Newtonian, only requiring three linear regressions (6 numbers) to lock a station to the sun and moon for position and orientation sensing. Many types now.   This is one month for the vertical component of the vectors signal.
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Gravitational fields and living cells, the brain?

CLaE @leafs_s  nature Mysterious ultraslow and ordered activity observed in the cortex Replying to @leafs_s You might look at what Ilya Prigogine and Dilip Kondepudi wrote in 1983 after Prigogine got his Nobel prize. “Sensitivity of Nonequilibrium Chemical Systems to Gravitational Field” DK Kondepudi, I Prigogine. It is listed in Google Scholar and there
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Gravity is often ignored or considered constant or negligible. Gravity has a wide measurable spectrum, from at least nanoHertz to gamma ray frequencies.

John Preskill @preskill “The goal of airing some skepticism, [Matthias] Troyer says, is not to diminish interest in the field, but to ensure that researchers are focused on the most promising applications of quantum computing with the greatest chance of impact.” Replying to @preskill John, besides, offering skepticism, or simply pointing out directions with
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Gravity can be linear, but also nonlinear with flows and fluctuations

Science News @ScienceNews Jonathan Oppenheim thinks that gravity might be fundamentally classical, meaning it isn’t quantum at all. Replying to @ScienceNews Yes. 20 years ago I used the small network of superconducting gravimeters to measure the speed of gravity. At low sampling rates, the field is nearly perfectly Newtonian. At micro nano pico femto
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Richard talks to OpenAI ChatGPT Plus about KeV and MeV magnetic bonds between neutrons protons and electrons

Richard talks to OpenAI ChatGPT Plus about KeV and MeV magnetic bonds between neutrons protons and electrons. Neutron magnetic pairs, proton antiproton magnetic pairs, electron pairs. Atomic fuels, extended nuclear materials. Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation Richard: I am thinking about magnetic bonds between neutrons and want to talk with you about that. The neutron
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If there are no measurements, nor calculations, it is not science or engineering

UZH Physics: The jumping ring and Eddy currents at You did no measurements, nor calculations. So I do not consider it “science” or “engineering”. I am fairly certain there are also magnetic gradient forces involved. And you did not show the current and voltage pulse.  Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation Acoustic Atomic Density Nuclear Electromagnetic
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Kelvin Water Drop Electric Generator – 2 Billion school kids, many tens of thousands of colleges universities and schools NOT WORKING TOGETHER GLOBALLY!

UZH Physics: Generating electricity from dripping water. The Kelvin Generator at If your container has 1 liter of water, and the height is 1 meter. The flow rate at 1 liter/hour. That is 1 kg/3600 seconds. At 9.8 (Joules/kg)/meter. Watts_maximum = MassFlowRate*GravitationalAcceleration*Height = (1 kg/3600 seconds) * ((9.8 Joules/kg)/meter) * (1 meter) Watts_maximum is about
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