Author: Richard K Collins
The Internet Foundation
Internet policies, global issues, global open lossless data, global open collaboration
Ben, I read your description and it is clear. I want the flexibility for myself. If the environment and tool it rigid, I know that I won’t be able to build the things I want. That includes (G) gathering and organizing things, (E) exploration and mapping new kinds of things (C) comparison and classification (S)
Read More » The rovers have x-ray spectrometers to determine elemental compositions of Martian rocks and materials. Ralf Gellert is the principle investigator for the Curiosity APXS. I suppose you could ask him if they checked. They probably are doing random samples of everything, and might be able to estimate elemental abundances, including gold, in
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My personal feeling is that the false positives were from the deuteron accelerator next door. Or some other power spike from experiments in nearby labs. I was looking at that accelerator because it was for sale. I thought it could be used to make directed and precisely timed gravitational signals to excite the modes in
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