Category: Assistive Technologies

Richard Talks to Google Gemini about SpaceX Starship, AI capabilities and responsibilities, a compressible vacuum

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation: Can you tell me details of the suborbital test of Starship? Or are you out of date? Google Bard Gemini: I am up-to-date on Starship information. Starship has actually completed several suborbital test flights, not just one. Here’s a quick rundown: Starship prototypes undergo suborbital flights to test the vehicle’s
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Richard Talks with Grok about X, global open tokens, topics and conversations, topic management and fair indexing of the Internet

Note:  In this conversation, I said there was no article on Gyrotrons in Wikipedia. It was that I could not search Wikipedia through Google.  There is an article when searching inside Wikipedia English version at Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation:  When people use the # to name things on Twitter, what is that called?
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Retrieving or finding from the Internet is seldom “fair” in a statistical sense.

@alpha_alimamy Alpha Almany Kamara. Is this your paper? You need a website.   Naive LLMs cannot distill medical wisdom from stuff posted on the free internet, no matter how efficient the algorithms. If they only have partial or wrong information, they cannot make good decisions. When hundreds of millions or billions of humans
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DM to Oliver Cameron about Global Open Sharing and Best Practice for the Internet

Cameron R Wolfe,   I am interested as well, but I am in the middle of trying to change OpenAI and the other commercial LLM sellers. They have atrocious business practices (or lack of them).   Can you recommend sustainable “best practices” for sharing and collaboration when reviewing sites, features, policies and methods in these
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Global Open Tokens (GOTs), Global and Universal tokens

Cameron R. Wolfe, Ph.D. @cwolferesearch New language models get released every day (Gemini-1.5, Gemma, Claude 3, potentially GPT-5 etc. etc.), but one component of LLMs has remained constant over the last few years—the decoder-only transformer architecture. This architecture has five components… Why should we care?… Replying to @cwolferesearch Hello Cameron, With the Internet Foundation,
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