Category: Assistive Technologies

Sites, knowledge, and topics are taken over by a few, and the world suffers

Be careful to distinguish “true intelligent algorithms” that can be verified, from the many current hand written and human maintained “LLM shell” programs of groups wrapping LLM generated sentences. These are NOT true AIs by any means, and probably should not be called “AIs” at all. They are statistical sentence generators, and are severely limited
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We do not need 8.1 Billion ways of writing down the sounds we make and encoding those in symbols.

We do not need 8.1 Billion ways of writing down the sounds we make and encoding those in symbols. Sounds for words, symbols for sounds, a chaos of spellings and fonts. LLM groups choosing arbitrary local tokenizations and not using a finite set of global open tokens – with the cooperation, involvement, agreement and benefit
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A common voice for a heliospheric species means all humans can speak a universal language that tokenizes into a small set of global open acoustic elements It is NOT impossible. Can anyone help distill a common voice for a heliospheric Internet for 20 Billion humans and AIs? Audacity recordings of Google Translate voice of “girl boy tree sand sky house bird grass water wind” clipped to Paint to twitter(X). (@elonmusk)   One small set of tokens for ALL phonemes and
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Python notebooks will not be acceptable until Python is supported in global open browsers

Journal of Fluid Mechanics @JFluidMech Read the latest #openaccess #JFMNotebooks article in @JFluidMech: “Evidence for layered anisotropic stratified turbulence in a freely evolving horizontal shear flow” by Samuel F. Lewin and JFM E-i-C Colm-cille Caulfield 📚 #JFM #OA Replying to @JFluidMech This is a step in the right direction. At least the
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All “exact” models have to live in the real world, even Rapunzel had supplies and an early form of Internet

Physical Review Letters @PhysRevLett An exact full set of matrix product states of highly degenerate tricritical Lifshitz points in the quantum spin model with anisotropic interactions has been discovered Replying to @PhysRevLett It only looks simple because you use simple potentials with no real world inputs. In the real world, every tiny cubic
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Moving Symbol sets, global open methods

Eric Brachmann @eric_brachmann Map-relative Pose Regression CVPR2024 highlight) For years absolute pose regression did not work. There was some success by massively synthesising scene-specific data. We train scene-agnostic APR and it works. Paper: Page: Replying to @eric_brachmann There ought to be a concise moving symbol set to describe precisely this algorithm, not
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Languages used on the Internet, Translations of books, stories, sites, videos as derived works – globally

Project Gutenburg at – Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages of ISO 639 language codes ============= Richard: Are translations of books and videos “derived works”? Bing CoPilot: Yes, translations of books and videos are considered “derived works” according to U.S. copyright law. A derived work is one that
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Richard Talks to Grok about Libraries, gathering and making knowledge accessible to all humans on the Internet Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation @RichardKCollin2 There needs to be an open library officially dedicated to the Internet. xAI Grok: There isn’t a single official open library dedicated solely to the Internet. However, the closest equivalent that encompasses the spirit of an open library dedicated to the Internet is the Internet Archive. It is
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Internet Global Open Resources, Global Open Tokens I try to read and review internet content of all kinds. When I see people wasting time, it bothers me. When millions of people waste time it is bad. When billions waste years each, a catastrophe. The properties of air and electrical circuits are well known. Air is about 2.5 Kilogram/Meter^3 and molar mass
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