Category: Sun Moon Vector Tidal Signal

Nuclear and Atomic Data, effect of order of magnitude increase in precision on opportunities in global machine learning

Donnie Mason, I was just enjoying the graphs and data at NuDat 3.0.  I have been reading and using table of isotopes for over 50 years.  It is finally getting to where it is easy to use. I was looking at Q beta-, Q beta+ and Q EC for all the isotopes and the CSVs
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Kathyrn Johnston – the tides are nearly perfectly vector Newtonian at earth based gravimeter stations

Cool Worlds Podcast: #5 Kathryn Johnston – The Milky Way, Dark Matter vs MOND, Gaia at Kathyrn Johnston, The vector tidal signal at a superconducting gravimeter or more modern gravimeter detector shows a nearly pure Newtonian signal. You can get the JPL time series of precise positions for the sun moon earth every second, use
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Richard Chats with GPT 4.0 about gravity, Internet Foundation policies, projects

Richard: Jifemenko, Biot-Savart, Forward, Newtonian gravitational signals, time of flight forces and signals, Famine I measured the speed of gravity and found that it was the potential itself that was diffusing, not the force or acceleration. The potential at the earth is already there but it receives updates from the other bodies in the solar
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Richard Chats with OpenAI 4.0 about visiting the sun and Newtonian gravitational detector arrays and sensors

Richard: From the photosphere out, what is the mass of the solar atmosphere in earth masses? OpenAI Chat GPT Plus 4.0: As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, I don’t have precise information on the total mass of the solar atmosphere (including the chromosphere, the transition region, and the corona) in Earth masses. The
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Konrad Lehnert @Berkekey about MEMS gravimeters and other very sensitive accelerometers focused on ‘gravitational’ sources

Physics @Berkekey: Oct 13 Colloquium: Konrad Lehnert at Konrad Lehnert, Three axis MEMs gravimeters can be made sensitive enough to measure precisely the vector tidal sun moon signal that is the main part (about 98.5%) of the signal at a superconducting gravimeters station. Using the JPL ephemeris this is just the sun’s acceleration at the
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Richard Behiel – on linear regression for 3D gravitational calibration, and 3D gravitational imaging

Richard Behiel: The Beauty of Linear Regression (How to Fit a Line to your Data) at Richard Behiel, The vector tidal gravity signal from the sun moon and earth at a superconducting gravimeter station is simple Newtonian GM/r^2. The suns vector acceleration on the station, minus the suns acceleration on the center of the earth.
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Prasad Raju – Geophysical time series

Prasad Raju,   I suggest you use online resources to look at the data. There is a lot of seismometer and magnetometer data. There is meteorological data. If you just want sources of interesting signals, there is some good solar data (solar dynamics observatory), data from lots of astronomical and astrophysical surveys. Radio telescope data
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Every star contributes to expansion, every black hole region contains many bodies, the big bang was a small and ordinary event

Anton Petrov: Whole Universe May Be Evaporating According To New Study at Anton Petrov, I think you ought to focus on the life of any star. The matter concentrates into stars, reaches critical density to ignite nuclear reactions, and then, for the rest of the stars life, it will be radiating neutrinos, photons, electrons, protons
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Illinois Quantum:”Quantum” detectors also pick up dynamic gravitational field, please check

Cindy Regal: Quantum optomechanics in interferometry and transduction at Cindy Regal,  All that you said, applies to dynamic gravitational waves. I like your broadband note at 23:37 especially. But you can do a lot more.  All the frequencies (femtoHertz to TeraHertz, and beyond in both directions) are available for “gravity” and usually detectable. I have been asking
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Twitter: Magnetically Levitated Superconducting Microspheres

Physical Review Applied @PhysRevApplied May 21  Editor’s Suggestion: Superconducting Microsphere Magnetically Levitated in an Anharmonic Potential with Integrated Magnetic Readout #OpenAccess: Replying to @PhysRevApplied Whenever I see “superconducting” “levitation”, I immediately think of superconducting gravimeters. They are high cost, single axis but about 0.1 nm/s^2 at 1 sps. For gravitational imaging arrays, we need
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