Author: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

All sky cameras online should use lossless format and share with cities and schools and groups I tracked down your allsky camera images. When will people realize that jpg is a lossy format and that the pixels are not true representations of the intensities and colors of small regions. I call it “eye candy”, only suitable for eyeballs, or the truly desperate who have nothing else. Please ask him to
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Comment on Bessel Beams, Basis sets, Schrodinger equations, Particle-Antiparticle pairs as dark energy and matter

I was looking at Bessel beams and came across your work. You have some good methods and insights. I would like to read where you started. Three things I was thinking about. The Schrodinger equation is usually written in terms of spherical harmonics. But the Bessel functions could be used instead. Just as a basis.
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Open Algorithms, Open Algorithm Groups, Open Algorithm Development I sent a private message. Guess you guys don’t check that very often. I was asking about raw data from radio telescopes that can be used by “open algorithm” developers for training and experiments. Richard Collins, posted on Facebook on 30 Jun 2021.  My first public use of “open algorithm developers”. “open algorithm development”
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NANOGrav raw observing data – merging all global sensor networks on the Internet

Hello, I was visiting to see what kind of data you are sharing online.  I am tracking most all the sensor networks on the Internet, especially the emerging ones. If I understand this talk by Steve Taylor at you are only observing at widely separated times for about 30 minutes? He talks about
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Comment on photo of M 13 I am looking at Aladin for M 13 and cannot match those pictures to yours. Can you point to and name some of the nearby stars? Which way is “up” What is the field of view (right and left RA and Dec would help   When I magnify your image, it has
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Comment on How much weight can you remove from your car? I would like to see the bare minimum weight by taking everything. That weight in every car is costing fuel and global warming. Think how many cars are for one person. Need more people? — uber it or share. I drove for years with no one else in the car, carrying all that extra
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Is anyone doing continuous quantum measurements? Are you picking up gravity, seismic, magnetic, ELF and other noise?

As the quantum detectors get more sensitivity they should be picking up fluctuations in the local gravitational potential and electromagnetic background fields of the earth. But I have not seen anyone running a detector continuously for the days or weeks or months needed to do the required correlations to trace things out. Nor, do I
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Another try to explain why gravimeter magnetometer arrays are important

Andy, Thanks.  I have searched the Internet almost every day for the last 23 years, and have learned never to think something doesn’t exist.   Thanks for confirming that there are likely no permanent magnetometer arrays.  There could still be someone who does it for fun, and doesn’t tell anyone. I wrote some notes below about
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Explaining to MathWorks about Infinite Levels of Knowledge and Hover

Jordan, Image Acquisition Toolbox: Your online, and now the attached price list, is not appropriate for “Home” users. Today someone fixed the website issue where the license information was not accessible.  I could not open my account information. Now, when I look at my account information, “Manage Products”, it has  “But Add-Ons” as a working
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