Author: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

What is the ratio of nuclear to gravitational energy for the sun during its whole life cycle?

David, I was starting to read “Submillimetre Astronomy” by Watt and Webster and they were talking about molecular clouds. They mention the magnetic energy density being approximately equal to the kinetic energy density, then talked about a cascade of scales.  It has been on my mind to check how much nuclear energy in generated in
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Comment on Electromagnet for attracting copper

Electromagnet for Attracting Copper, Aluminum and Non-Ferrous Metals like GOLD! Yes, vary the frequency and measure the force response. A spectrum is easier to use and understand. There should be specific resonances for each kind and shape of material. Electric and magnetic polarization studies of materials have been tried since earliest days, but have
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April Fools Day comment on DOUBLE VORTEX solves mystery of Saturn’s rotation

DOUBLE VORTEX solves mystery of Saturn’s rotation | ft. Tom Stallard & Nahid Chowdhury Does this apply to galaxy rotation? I would much rather hear that a relatively small bit of charge and magnetic field – changes apparent rotation rates – than the bleak alternative of still more years of looking for dark matter
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Comment on Video about paramagnetic resonance algorithms

Dr. Mark Tseytlin | Rapid Scan EPR Imaging Methods and Applications This would be much more useful if you posted links to your papers, particularly General Solution for Rapid Scan EPR Deconvolution Problem I generally do not recommend Matlab for Internet users. It is too slow and expensive to recommend to billions of
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Superhalogens, hyperhalogens, hyperatoms, and controlled nuclear decays

Walter, This morning I was going over the magnetic, isotopic and chemical properties of manganese, and all the industrial and societal uses. I came across the terms “superhalogens” and “hyperhalogens” “hyperhalogens” OR “superhalogens” OR “hyperhalogen” OR “superhalogen” has 20,500 entry points There are LOTS of related terms – superalkalai, superatoms.  People like to make their
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Scripting with video samples and Forum posting, Multiple camera clusters, arrays and sharing

Hello, I have been using Sharpcap for testing cameras.  But I am only now getting things set up after several years of trying to select or design the telescopes and cameras. For single cameras I am running these kinds of manual captures. I have to manually set the gain, exposure and processing steps. Then I
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Review of Dewalt Laser Tripod with Tilting Head (DW0881T) I wanted a light weight, sturdy, brand name tripod with ability for pointing anything mounted on it. But it is cheaply made. The parts are good, but the integration is not. The people assembling it, probably never had to use it themselves. I have a telescope that ought to fit nicely. It did, but
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Laser self mixing and laser feedback interferometry and Fabry-Perot cavity precise position measurements

Thank you for sharing your research. – Richard I try to follow all low cost interferometry methods. I started it because of my interest in gravitational imaging arrays and gravitational wave communication. Joe Weber at Univ Maryland College Park encouraged me to work on that back in the late 1970’s. Beside photon interferometry, there is
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Comment to All Sky Camera group Can someone tell me the current best all sky set up? I was thinking of one that had zoom from all sky to 30x. Any suggestions. Thanks. I was looking at PTZ low light security cameras. Dan Bush Thank you. Your picture gallery is filled with beautiful images. I searched fro Hikvision cameras and
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Comment on Can You Modify A Car To Save Fuel?

Can You Modify A Car To Save Fuel? – Fifth Gear The weight reduction impact shows up if you start and stop as part of a test. Aerodynamic drag goes as the density of air times the velocity squared. You should have waited for a day identical to the first. You guys are in
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