Category: Visualizations Simulations

Is there an Internet data policy for SKA and related data? Human value of shared raw, live data streams

Karen Lee-Waddell, Pete Wheeler, SKA web contact, I am trying to piece together the Internet data sharing policy for SKA from what is visible on the Internet. Is SKA data going to be available to everyone on the Internet?  In accessible form? Reading these it seems SKA data is only for certain people for very
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Models at CCMC, Vitmo ModelWeb Browser Results, Fundamental constants and equations used

Hello, I was enjoying your model site.  One of the better ones on the Internet in terms of ease of use and clarity. The only thing that I would like different is to have parameters in the generated URL, so that I can bookmark a run and go back to it again, without manually entering
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Houston Astronomical Society Presentation by Noah Pearson on 28 Jan 2022 – comments and suggestions

Luis, This was a good presentation.  On Vimeo, watching reruns, no way to say “Thank you to the presenter” or to ask questions. We live in a world where any author’s work might be available globally for all time forward.  And, it they are living, the small matter of “time” it taken care of by
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Comment on Climate Change video from TED

Watch the 2021 TED Countdown Global Livestream | Take action on climate change So now TED is an entertainment channel? There used to be some thought and effort. But now it is all click bait. 2:35:16? Where is your data and models? All talk. There are 150,848 views at 5:00 am 31 Oct 2021
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Comment on the true cost of electric vehicles – wasted time by not sharing models and data

Tesla vs Gas: TRUE Charging Cost After 75,000 Miles at 75,000 miles/28 miles per gallon equivalent = 2,679 gallon gas equivalent 2679 gge * (33.7 KWH/gge) = 90,282 KWH at 100% efficiency 90,283/0.92 efficiency = 98133 KWH purchased 98133 KWH * 0.0798 $/KWH = $6948 But he says $1400. His miles per gallon seems
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Comment on Hubble vs Amateur Astrophotography

Hubble vs. Amateur Astrophotographer (27 Aug 2021) at I had to look a bit, but eventually found a description of the camera and exposure for that original image of “Pillars of Creation” at with more detail at then some images at Like usual, Hubble media people dominate sharing on their site,
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Comment on new directions in Ethnography

Last decade in enthnographic research? You might want to search these topic areas, where there is very rapid growth: “ethnography” “quantitative” “models” has 3.2 Million entry points (Google, 24 Oct 2021)   “quantitative ethnography” with 12,000 entry points   “ethnography” “social media” with 6.68 Million entry points   “ethnography” (“simulations” OR “simulation”) with 7.9 Million
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Comment on Nature video seen by more than 14 Million viewers, but no follow up or community building

Have you ever seen an atom? at Many people have viewed this video, but you are not keeping it up to date. It is 23 Oct 2021 and it shows 14,208,628 views. The video is 151 seconds. If everyone watched the whole thing, that is over 68 years of viewing. The value of human time
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Jimmy Wales thanked me for my donation to support the current Wikipedia. Here is what I wrote back

Jimmy, I would like to make some specific recommendation for upgrading wikipedia to be more useful globally. But I doubt your organization is set up so that a “reply to a message from the founder” ever gets read and treated seriously. My time and skills are far more valuable than any money donation. But only
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Self reproducing robot societies that live in the desert and convert sunlight to cities

I have had deserts on my mind a lot over the last few decades.  All during the 1980’s I worked on populations forecasts and issues in Africa, then the Famine Early Warning Systems (, then global climate change.  I sort of keep up with any efforts to turn those vast areas into something more suitable
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