Category: Random Thoughts

Mars and moon and space need atomic power – shipping to Mars example

SpaceX Starship can return from Mars without surface refilling at The engineering design and manufacturing costs for atomic power are a lot less than the cost of hauling chemical or solar panels to Mars. Do the numbers and see what it is worth to spend on lightweight atomic power units and technologies. A few ten
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Comment on a wonderful recipe

It’s so delicious that I cook it almost every day! incredible recipe # 10 at The food is beautiful. Your methods and cooking show well. It is easy to see the care you put into making textures that fit the cooking, and probably taste good and are satisfying to eat. But, you need context.
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Comment on a video about making your own butter, is it cost effective in the United States?

Stop buying butter! Do it yourself! Only 1 ingredient needed at In the United States I think heavy cream with 35% butter fat costs more than butter. And your method requires a mixer, blender, bowls and utensils. So ordinary, non chef, humans might be better to just buy butter when it is on sale.
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Self reproducing robot societies that live in the desert and convert sunlight to cities

I have had deserts on my mind a lot over the last few decades.  All during the 1980’s I worked on populations forecasts and issues in Africa, then the Famine Early Warning Systems (, then global climate change.  I sort of keep up with any efforts to turn those vast areas into something more suitable
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Comment on I3C MIPI presentation – Complete systems for devepment, intelligent nodes, local function, global communication

2021 MIPI DevCon Demo: Silvaco at–M Add links to resources in the video description. Including links to the authors and groups. The more comments and discussion, the more views are likely. Make these YouTube nodes living parts of your global efforts on I3C and MIPI. Not just things stuck on the Internet. Make evaluation
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Emoji languages – symbols and communication

Emily, Humans and animals with eyes are pretty good at quickly identifying things seen in the past.  It is a basic survival skill.  “Identify the person”, “Identify the weapon”, “Identify the ripe fruit”. So when training populations for basic survival, you probably have to go back to “Identify and classify quickly” – if you value
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Who the heck sleeps with a Fan and AC on? – my comment Groups asking questions on Facebook not sharing results

⁠Donna Kutac Janak My air conditioner is really inefficient so I keep it at high temperature setting and run two fans continuously. The cost is half of running the air conditioner alone – and more comfortable. I enjoy the noise. You should be asking people why they would run their air conditioner “without” a fan!?
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Cream Cheese, Jalapenos and the future of the human species

Cream Cheese, Jalapenos and the future of the human species I am trying to reduce my use of butter, so rather than making toast with butter I used cream cheese today. Since I am curious about the health value of foods as a topic on the Internet, I decided to add diced jalapenos. Then, because
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Create arbitrary fields through simulation, measurement, and calibration.

A wave traveling between two parabolic antennas You might try receiver-transmitter pairs, where each inverts the signal to build a standing wave. Use the final state inside the volume (arbitrary and time dependent if you want) as the constraint, then solve for the signal modifications needed at each site. I first saw this more
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Notes from survey questions.

Internet Research – global sensor networks and sharing Looking for data to correlate with other sensor networks Your left bars are rich in links. But you are using almost a different style of navigation on every page, certainly every section. With about 3 Million entry points for that is a lot of hand building
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