Category: Symbolic Mathematics

Twitter APS pay per view

The Internet, even on Twitter, is for everyone. Every person in the world should have access to global tools, data, models. Always include the open link. If APS cannot stay in business otherwise, tell me why.   Nice paper, needs shared symbolic simulator. Collective effects on the performance and stability of quantum heat engines
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Posted on my Facebook about Olbers paradox and an infinite universe

You might never have heard of “Olber’s paradox”, but it is one of those perennial provacative items that gets served with most introduction to physics and astronophysics classes. For the lecturer to strut their stuff and appear learned. Olber is Heinrich Wilhelm Olbers (1758-1840) and the link is I like to watch the night
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Nanofocused x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy – Data link broken thru

Nanofocused x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy – Data link broken thru Fivos Perakis, I was reading your article and wanted to look at the data, but the link is broken.  And the DOI system form to report the error is also broken.  The DOI form appears but accepts no input. In the PDF: “The
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Twitter to @InnovationPhysics @InnovationPhys You are too focused on topics suitable for single person dissertations and individual performance. Need to coordinate and encourage solutions to global issues and opportunities. Answer “Where does this apply?” and encourage open global sharing of models and data.

Comment on Video about paramagnetic resonance algorithms

Dr. Mark Tseytlin | Rapid Scan EPR Imaging Methods and Applications This would be much more useful if you posted links to your papers, particularly General Solution for Rapid Scan EPR Deconvolution Problem I generally do not recommend Matlab for Internet users. It is too slow and expensive to recommend to billions of
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Laser self mixing and laser feedback interferometry and Fabry-Perot cavity precise position measurements

Thank you for sharing your research. – Richard I try to follow all low cost interferometry methods. I started it because of my interest in gravitational imaging arrays and gravitational wave communication. Joe Weber at Univ Maryland College Park encouraged me to work on that back in the late 1970’s. Beside photon interferometry, there is
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Comment on Quantifying the potential causes of Neanderthal extinction

Axel, Thank you for sharing your paper. notified me that you had uploaded it.  I read it this morning, then read it again.  I wish your model was in a form that could be shared more easily. I follow groups using the internet.  I am interested in how people approach complex problems, and the
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Comment on Industrial applications of pulsed power technology Thanks for gathering this together. But the last decades or so, the cost of high power, high dI/dt controls has dropped considerably – drones, 3D printers, PWM servos, robotics, vehicles. I have only looked at a few areas so far. What you sort of missed was the sensor and control and modeling side. Atmospheric
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Models at CCMC, Vitmo ModelWeb Browser Results, Fundamental constants and equations used

Hello, I was enjoying your model site.  One of the better ones on the Internet in terms of ease of use and clarity. The only thing that I would like different is to have parameters in the generated URL, so that I can bookmark a run and go back to it again, without manually entering
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Jimmy Wales thanked me for my donation to support the current Wikipedia. Here is what I wrote back

Jimmy, I would like to make some specific recommendation for upgrading wikipedia to be more useful globally. But I doubt your organization is set up so that a “reply to a message from the founder” ever gets read and treated seriously. My time and skills are far more valuable than any money donation. But only
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