Category: Units Dimensions Formats Reference Values

Update on Richard Collins “Solar System Gravimetry and Gravitational Engineering” project on ResearchGate I was updating my notes of gravimeter arrays as gravitational imaging arrays. At the end I recommend using electrons interferometer and related electron methods for measuring and monitoring acceleration. Every electron on earth has mass and is affected individually by the changing gravitational field. Electron methods are far in advance of atom methods, less
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Comment on Computational Microscopy Video (includes lensless methods)

Computational Microscopy by Laura Waller Your diagram at 18:05 is not the way it works. Your every day matrix methods ALL are used by tens of thousands of groups and individuals all using related methods. The things you do not know, mostly there will be others who do. If you haven’t learned something yet,
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Comment on “”Can we ever replace the gravitational force model with something more practical, so we control the forces?” Recommend you change the title to “Can we ever replace the gravitational force model with something more practical, so we control the forces?” Mircea,   Did you ever get an answer to your question? Masses with relatively small number of free charges per kilogram can have electrical forces equivalent to the gravitational force.  
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Comment on Electromagnet for attracting copper

Electromagnet for Attracting Copper, Aluminum and Non-Ferrous Metals like GOLD! Yes, vary the frequency and measure the force response. A spectrum is easier to use and understand. There should be specific resonances for each kind and shape of material. Electric and magnetic polarization studies of materials have been tried since earliest days, but have
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Review of Dewalt Laser Tripod with Tilting Head (DW0881T) I wanted a light weight, sturdy, brand name tripod with ability for pointing anything mounted on it. But it is cheaply made. The parts are good, but the integration is not. The people assembling it, probably never had to use it themselves. I have a telescope that ought to fit nicely. It did, but
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