Category: Collaborative Model and Data

Counting extensions and file sizes of project folders on GitHub to recommend changes Over the past several years I have been studying groups on GitHub. Part of the Internet Foundation studies for global communities on the Internet for the past 23 years. Much of the human cost of learning these various projects, for any group size, is dealing with the many and different formats. A mature project
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Using stars for reference and calibration, Global Education needs and opportunities

Mitchell, Thanks for your work on RGB and chromacity of stars. I was looking at these two live videos on YouTube for Maunakea,Hawaii live all sky camera and its associated, and fairly nicely synchronized, star chart Live All Sky: Star Chart: I think these would make good teaching aides for astronomy groups world-wide.
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Improving the quality of online live video streams, super resolution methods for stars

Ben, I am still trying to track all online live videos, particularly those that can be used for education. This one, at the bottom of the description has a link to a Google app to set the clock.  I want to have time when you slide the slider, not hours from “now” which changes constantly.
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Comment on Gravitational force In vacuum video This is nice to see, but it should lead off with where is it, who is involved, how much does it cost to pump the chamber empty, what do they think is still there in the chamber that is causing the feather and ball to fall the same. Lots of other things. Did you
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Sharing equations, algorithms and data in immediately usable form on the Internet

Anatoliy, I was looking at “nuclear data” on the Internet and at “ENDF”.  I came across your 17 Oct 2018 posting at entitled “Converting ENDF libraries into relational format” Searching to see if you had written anything else on the topic, I also found you listed in Universiti Tenologi Malaysia Library at with
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Comments on “General Nuclear Database Structure”

Michael, For the Internet Foundation, I am reviewing “nuclear data” on the Internet. Today I am looking at “ENDF”: At Evaluated Nuclear Data File (ENDF) under “The ENDF Format” at the bottom is has “Beyond the ENDF Format”: Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) – WPEC Expert Group on the Recommended Definition of a General Nuclear
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New Video: Atomic Masses, Atomic Decay energies, Gravitational GPS

Isotopic Masses, Fundamental Constant Groups, World Education, Gravitational Fuels I start by showing how bad PDF is for sharing data. I am trying to get a simple table of isotopic masses to check the nuclear data tables. And it is stored in terrible form. I had to copy and paste and edit to get
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New Video about the Internet YouTube Google Franck-Hertz Experiments

Yesterday: HoverBoxes Finally, Skins for Websites, Saving Layouts, Extracting from PDF, Global Groups Bubbling – Today: Using the Internet to find and encourage global communities engineering science AMOE – AMOE (Atomic Molecular Optical Electronic Magnetic Acoustic Mechanical … ) – Franck-Hertz

Large computers hosting associated global communities of global projects

Bill, For the Internet Foundation, I am reviewing the role of large computers and computer arrays.  What started me on this slightly ahead of schedule was the ExaScale group at | GitHub website for E4S Project and then today looking at the Dark Energy Survey that leads back to NCSA. My outline for a
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Visiting NSF NOIRLab for the first time – looking for pixels from telescopes

Hello, For the Internet Foundation, I am looking at many data and model sharing efforts on the Internet. To judge difficulty of use, gather notes on practices, policies, methods, content, groups, and links between efforts.  I am posting this note also to /?p=1230 so more people can see it. If you want me to change
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