Category: All Global Open Devices

Models with full ( science technology engineering math financial government organizational social) worked out

Models with full ( science technology engineering math financial government organizational social) worked out Video 1: Eric Laithwaite Gyro Propulsion 1994 UK at Building physical devices is expensive. It should be possible to model this. As someone below says, this is basic physics. It takes energy to change the tilt of the spinning disk on
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I am fairly certain he was not just thinking about heating rooms Linus JC I have watched the Internet since before it started. It went from “its going to get better” to 5.4 Billion users and still “its going to get better”. Sharing videos is only a part of it. This person wanted to test an idea, measure temperature and velocity of air, and use a
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Posting about Princeton Plasma article on X to Facebook/ Vacuum Tubes / Valves group

I do not know if this group allows to post notes about what am doing. For the last 27 years I have been working with the Internet Foundation to promote sharing of all knowledge. Particularly in STEMC-FGOT (Science Technology, Engineering Mathematics Computing Finance Government Organizations Topics). This morning I was challenging OpenAI to aim for
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To uzu lim @cutezu_ about papers like “Neural Tangent Kernel”

To uzu lim @cutezu_ about papers like “Neural Tangent Kernel” Richard Collins: It makes a huge mistake, starting from random. Much better to start with an open, verified and verifiable, accessible, and trustworthy core of weights and beginnings. Don’t get hung up on “linear” and “non-linear”. Just require whatever methods people or AIs use to be
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Information, energy, power – optical and gravitational energy storage at atomic and nuclear scale

  Information, energy, power – optical and gravitational energy storage at atomic and nuclear scale Richard Collins:  How much orbital angular momentum can an optical vortex carry? What units would be suitable to characterize the energy stored in a vortex beam? Watt*Seconds / Meter^3 ? What powers and intensities are vortex beams capable of now?
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Many groups reaching towards each other but not filling all the gaps and not doing it for all humans

Many groups reaching towards each other but not filling all the gaps and not doing it for all humans Richard Collins:  If one monitors the motion of an object in space, how does one determine if the motion is parabolic, elliptical or hyperbolic? Are there cases where that is difficult to determine? Assume perfect ability
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I hope it comes out as SciFy-Hfy suggests.

They Killed One Human… Earth’s Response Shocked the Galaxy at I hope it comes out as you suggest. Try the new image animation so there is continuous flow, not just long static images. Much is possible for entertainment and serious things. From words about things to the things themselves takes decades, because humans are
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Control of recording, playback and analysis for a 1 minute video clip of Jupiter Control of Recording, playback and analysis for a 1 minute video clip of Jupiter CC: Michael Arpini as @mikarpini , J. Ch EA2EZP as @jwild70979337 Richards Comment: The problem with astronomy, with “the media”, with schools, and “social media”, with the Internet, with science, with all things – someone else controls the recording
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