Category: Markets Products Industries Communities

Rolling Shutter Cameras encode time in images, names spaces, languages I was reading “Rolling Shutter Imaging on The Electric Grid” by Mark Sheinin, Yoav Shechner, and Kirakos Kutulakos. They used an IDS UI-348xLE (monochrome) camera so I was wondering how much it costs and what image sensor it uses. But that was some time ago and expect you have changed. They also used a
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Volcanoes, Nuclear, Supercritical water and Hydrogen

Sabine Hossenfelder: Fearless Icelanders to Drill Into Magma Chamber at The first thing that came to mind is that, if supercritical methods would help geothermal, they will also help nuclear and atomic – and perhaps less mess.  Generally, if you can think of something, it is there because you heard or read it somewhere.
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Richard chats with Bard about the UN Regional Commissions

Richard: Are you able to browse the web, read pages and summarize them? Bard: Yes, I can browse the web, read pages, and summarize them. I can access and process information from the real world through Google Search and keep my response consistent with search results. I can also generate different creative text formats of
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Comment on Video about oracle bones

“oracle bone” OR “oracle bones” has 335,000 entry points (Google, 13 Aug 2022) “divination” has 18.6 Million entry points “prognostication” has 4.54 Million entry points “fortune teller” OR “fortune telling” has 17.4 Million entry points “prediction” OR “predicting” OR “predictions” has 832 Million entry points “forecast” OR “forecasts” OR “forecasting” OR “forecaster” OR “forecasters” has
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Facebook has no “share” or “tweet”

Lisa Sykes Wallace There seems to be no way to Tweet (share posts with link and short note) on Facebook that I can see. But I found Pichurro’s Mexican Grill on Facebook at Maybe you can post your picture on their Facebook page and write a short story to share with others who go
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