Author: Richard K Collins
The Internet Foundation
Internet policies, global issues, global open lossless data, global open collaboration
You forgot to put the count of the results when you put these buttons at the top for “temperature energy”. Contact me if you would be willing to share counts from Google searches for profiling the whole Internet. You are missing opportunities. Some high profile survey results for the Internet might help. Add “Comment or
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Dear Thoughtful and Caring Wikipedia Workers, Designers, Helpers, Gatherers, Visualizers, Programmers, Database people, Donors, Online Communities connected to and using Wikis, or workers on any page on the Internet: I am visiting,_Peru because my daughter sent me a photo from there. But it is a stub. I found a few things on the internet
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I was looking at where it says “Become a Registered User”. Courteous, inviting. But click and it says, “Access denied, The page you requested requires that you login.” So it seems to login you have to register, and to register you have to be able to log in. Your cookie banners are not necessary
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You are very thoughtful. Yes, I agree about the usual human practices and methods. Every single one of the tens of thousands of groups I studied in detail on the Internet ended up failing or limiting themselves because of the greed of a few people, or policies that benefited only their group. It is particularly
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Jonah, Thanks, that first link seems to answer my immediate question about reference location and calculating time between sensors. Thanks for the pointer, I should have been able to easily find such a key piece of the puzzle. My son, Ben, set up a Linux server with Python and ran some samples. I found
Read More » Enjoyable read with many thoughtful ideas and descriptions. There are several energy sources for these photon flows, but thermal energy harvesting over long periods, then optical photon emission for shorter periods seems to be the theme. The energy stored in electronic states. I am posting this on 18 Apr 2021: “persistent luminescence” has
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Ben, I read your description and it is clear. I want the flexibility for myself. If the environment and tool it rigid, I know that I won’t be able to build the things I want. That includes (G) gathering and organizing things, (E) exploration and mapping new kinds of things (C) comparison and classification (S)
Read More » The rovers have x-ray spectrometers to determine elemental compositions of Martian rocks and materials. Ralf Gellert is the principle investigator for the Curiosity APXS. I suppose you could ask him if they checked. They probably are doing random samples of everything, and might be able to estimate elemental abundances, including gold, in
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My personal feeling is that the false positives were from the deuteron accelerator next door. Or some other power spike from experiments in nearby labs. I was looking at that accelerator because it was for sale. I thought it could be used to make directed and precisely timed gravitational signals to excite the modes in
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